Mar 28, 2019 16:43

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Comments 15

HOPE usedrapidspin August 28 2011, 00:37:46 UTC
species: togepi, togetic togekiss

Hope was original Euphie's starter, and when she left Johto, Data Riku inherited him. Suzaku found out about Euphie being here through him, and got to see a picture of her being alive, and also holding Hope--but by the time Data Riku had left, Hope had already evolved into Togetic, so there was much confusion. They soon established an understanding, however, and Suzaku has kept Hope very close to him ever since. The amount of time he spends with Hope in particular is rather staggering, and as such, he's easily Suzaku's highest leveled Pokemon.

The decision to evolve him at Goldenrod was a source of much debate for the two of them, even though they... y'know, couldn't actually talk to each other about it. In the end, Hope wanted to be more useful to Euphie's knight, so he evolved into Togekiss with a shiny stone.


KO usedrapidspin August 28 2011, 00:39:38 UTC
species: hoppip skiploom jumpluff

Suzaku caught Ko just outside of Union Cave. As he was passing by into Azalea, an errant breeze blew the Hoppip right into him and she got caught on Suzaku's sweatshirt. She seemed a little helpless, so Suzaku took her in.


RYU usedrapidspin August 28 2011, 00:47:44 UTC
species: yanma yanmega

Suzaku caught Ryu during the game event with the crazy exploding bug Pokemon. In fact, this particular Yanma was the one responsible for the grievous injuries Suzaku faced during that event; he caught the little brute right after being bombed with a Pineco and then promptly passed out. After the event, though, Ryu settled down considerably. He sometimes runs errands to other towns for Suzaku.


LANCE usedrapidspin August 28 2011, 00:54:25 UTC
species: riolu lucario

A mysterious egg appeared in Suzaku's egg during the Easter event! He spent an entire day going around asking people whether they'd lost it and no one was able to claim it (although a few suspicious individuals did offer to take it off his hands), but he soon discovered that other people were mysteriously receiving eggs as well and decided to keep his. Which is good, because it hatched into what ultimately became one of his best Poke-friends.

Lance (short for Lancelot) is pretty much Suzaku, Pokemonified. They spar together, they work out together, they are bros together. They are Serious Face together. It's kind of beautiful.


WHISPER usedrapidspin August 28 2011, 00:57:12 UTC
species: gastly haunter

Suzaku was exploring Sprout Tower when something whispered creepily in his ear. Surprise!!! Ghost Pokemon. Another one of his Pokemon that's very aptly named for something that occurred prior to capturing it.

He doesn't take Whisper out very much because he makes him nervous in strange ways. Like he might be able to read Suzaku's mind...


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