Oct 08, 2001 16:49
"In this article, Miller discusses the passage of time. This is an idea central to the play 'Death of a Salesman' because the conflict is Willy Loman
Sep 13, 2001 16:23
You shall henceforth be known as:
Sep 11, 2001 21:08
How could any of this have happened?
Jul 11, 2001 15:44
I went to Eckerd's and my dad set off the metal detector about ten times. Every place he goes in, even if he takes off everything with metal, he sets off the alarm. I think he was really abducted by aliens who gave him metal body parts. Or maybe he just steals things before he enters the stores... At least he always makes an entrance.
Jul 10, 2001 02:14
All night I've been imagining someone's watching me out of the corner of my eye. Then I turn my head and I feel like someone's there.
I think my imagination will drive me crazy someday. I thought people were supposed to stop imagining things when they grew up... Why didn't I?
Jun 28, 2001 22:49
It's one of those crazy catch-22's: I wish my mother was here to comfort me about her death.
I keep thinking of times when I was young. We would have parties and I would fall asleep on her shoulder when it got late. There are lots of people here now, like those parties. But she isn't here, and it's not right. It won't ever be right.
Jun 28, 2001 05:53
My mother died a few minutes ago.
I keep expecting her to walk through the door and wake me up and tell me this was all a dream. But I'll never see her again.
I miss her.
Jun 28, 2001 04:03
My mother is dying. My mother will die today.
Jun 27, 2001 00:32
I took the "Inner Rockstar" quiz on emode. Mine is Britney Spears. I'm really not feeling this. I mean, besides being teenage white girls, do we have ANYTHING in common?
"Feel it, sweetheart; the rock star in you is all Britney