Hey guys check out this super relevant link that I just saw: Donald Trump 2012! Imagine that! haha! Imagine if he actually ran for president and, just as I did for the Chilean miners crisis, this would rank by the June and at the same time rank for the 2012 US elections! That would be super! This isn't just a random backlink for SEO purposes, no
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"Welcome, love I have made a place for you here I know every word they say I know how they want to make you change change if you want don't you come and change for me I can love you as you are I didn't mean to make you want to leave"
i felt the cold breeze hold my hands and caress my feet as i watched the cheese sandwich flee my stomach like a flowing rainbow forming a map on the water's surface dissolving as i summon the whirlpool
i am a flailing turnip buried deep underneath the soil and my brain is aboveground struggling for water and sunlight
If you think you can make a blog that will get a lot of traffic then you should start thinking about how you can make it profitable by putting ads in your blog. Many bloggers in the Philippines are missing out on this opportunity. See how easily I'm making money through blogging and how you can too!
Are you interested in getting more traffic in your blog?
I am currently fixing the links section of my blog/portfolio and will be featuring websites/blogs who are willing to trade links with me. One condition I would require for your blog to be featured in my site is that you submit a banner that is 400 x 80 px. I find that banners are more
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