Jan 25, 2007 22:30
I'm not sure about you,
But my life's been blue,
You're still in my head,
Do I still have a chance?
Or should I move on?
If we're really not supposed to be,
Then why are you all I think or dream of?
If you still love me,
Send me a reply.
If I don't get anything back,
I'll take a hint, and you
won't have to listen to any of
this again.
Apr 29, 2006 18:38
I MADE A ONE ON MY SOLO AND WE MADE A ONE IN OUR ENESEMBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^ i can't wait until i get my medals!! Omg, i was thinking that i was going to make a 2! Shayna, me, Hannah, Katie, and Christina all made ones! then we went to sonic, and got food!
Mar 28, 2006 21:37
I hate this! In less than a week, I have made so many people mad at me! A bunch of my friends from last year are mad at me, and I've been going CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been so upset lately and I've almost started crying twice. Most people are saying that I should just forget them, but I really don't know. I'm so confused on it all
Mar 13, 2006 23:16
SPRING BREAK!!! WOOO!!!! It's Spring Break and i'm happy, watching reboot, being lazy, only thing i don't like about it is that I'm not going to get to see people *cough*Andy*cough* for a week!!!! =(. But I can still talk to them on the phone, so that's good... I played DDR all morning and my legs went numb.
Feb 10, 2006 17:46
I can't take this anymore!!!!! My life is crumbling into tiny little pieces! I'm very stressed out, i'm so paranoid, my best friend is pissed off at me for reasons that I don't know, and I just want to fall over and cry. I want it to get better. I wish that people weren't so mad at me and that i knew why!!!
Dec 19, 2005 10:54
I feel SOOO sick!!! I wonder if i got it from Andy... Who knows? Anyways, I got my skittles that I've been owed for monthes today! And I'm eating a cookie. Life is somewhat good
Dec 10, 2005 11:39
NEW LAYOUT!!!! NEW LAYOUT!!! It's so pretty!!! My best friend's crush said he likes her!! I'm so happy for her!!! hehe
Nov 27, 2005 16:43
IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!!!! I'm 13 now!!!! YAY!!! We went to China Wall for lunch earlier, and my friend Brittany gets to go see HP 4 with us!!! YAY!! And the cake made me hyper!
Nov 21, 2005 18:28
Hihi!!! I taught myself how to blow up a balloon!!! I'm happy!!!
Oct 21, 2005 22:19
*groans* I have district tomorrow, and I'm so nervous!!! I just know I'm gonna mess up!!!! I'm gonna get like, 50th chair french horn!!! >_< I'm gonna go to bed now, since i have to get up at 6:30.