Title: Shades of Desire
OnverwachtAuthor: Valerie Vancollie (valeriev84 [at] hotmail.com)
Characters: Alan, Don, Ian Edgerton
Pairings: Don/Ian
Rating: PG-13
Summary: When Don doesn't come by the house for a while, Alan goes to wait for him in his apartment.
Spoilers: Protest
Note: This was written for the
numb3rs100 word prompt inside.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Numb3rs characters, items or situations. I only lay claim to the original aspects of the fic.
Alan rose as he finally heard the key in the lock. He really needed to speak with his eldest and Donny hadn't come by lately. His thoughts of what to say vanished as the door swung open and Don stumbled in. The sight froze him to the spot as Don wasn't stumbling because he was drunk, but because he was entangled with someone else.
A very male someone else.
The man was tall, dark and had his lips locked on his son's. The two of them hit the wall opposite the door and the stranger knocked the door shut with his leg. The shock was so great, Alan could only open and close his mouth soundlessly. It wasn't until a hand snaked under Don's shirt that he was able to force a sound out of his throat.
The reaction was instantaneous. Don and the other man sprang apart as if they'd been burned and Alan caught sight of a gun at the stranger's belt as his hand moved towards it before the gesture was aborted. An agent, then.
"Dad? What? How?" Don stammered, an extremely rare blush creeping onto his cheeks.
"You... you haven't been by in a while," Alan said, finally finding his voice again.
As he said it, Alan's eyes were drawn back to the other agent, realizing he might well be the reason why Donny hadn't been by. The man's face was blank, devoid of any emotion but for the faint flush from earlier. His eyes were as dark as Donny's but seemed colder, empty of the warmth he was used to seeing in his son's eyes. He felt a shiver run down his spine as he wondered exactly what kind of man Donny was seeing.
This one had about him everything Alan despised about the FBI.