I shall now bore you with my tweet stream and pathetic fangirlyness but it covers the events of SGCON or those that I can remember so there you go.
So a couple months ago on AIM
virkatjol writes me BEN IS GOING TO BE AT STARGATECON I AM MAKING YOU COME WITH and I was like uhhh I know nothing about Stargate and I'd rather it be Claudia but whatevs sure?
I KNOW How little did I know. But then I started to get really excited and there were a couple lame pathetic weeks where it was like all I could think about. So by Friday I was super excited to get to see
virkatjol again and Bennnnn! But I had to work till late and Jo was at the hotel for like half the day and I was dying.
ANYWHO We get there and Jo is like THIS GIRL ALMOST RAN INTO BEN and I WAS LIKE OMG WIN! and then we went and ate pizza.
We are staying in the same hotel as Ben Browder. This is making my night.
So it's like 9 now and I'm seriously jumpy like maybe Ben will pop out of a hotel room or a hallway and scare me half to death. I'm pretty sure i looked rather paranoid walking around the hotel checking behind me at any noise. I mean more paranoid than normal...
Dear Ben now would be a really great time to go to the bar. JUST SAYIN'
As per the advice of roxybisquaint I tell
virkatjol that we need to hang out around the bar and see if anyone shows up. But sadly I don't think Ben drinks and besides we were at the wrong bar anyway as someone did spot Chris Judge at the real one. HELLO BAR STALKING IS GENIUS however.
Dear @virkatjol you are going to miss Ben if you keep tweeting.
Or just miss Chris Judge...
I should also mention that I love my twitter feed at this time as they are all supposrtive and understanding of my singular need to pay for a con for ONE FREAKING PERSON. Totally worth it though.
So there is a Karaoke thing with other famous people that I don't know except for like two people show up that I know have had scenes with Claudiaaaa so that was cool. And it was more fun than I thought it would be and I was hoarse and
virkatjol got up to sing and I dutifully supported her...from the audience.
The next morning we have to walk by the huge line for breakfast with Ben it was sad. There was another con goer that we met at McDonalds and he was like yeah I couldn't afford the tickets either and I'm like YEAH that's why we are lame too and eating off the dollar menu at McDonalds!
Then we stalked the vendor room. Which was not even big enough to stalk but I think I might have spent more at those 3 vendors than my other cons I AM CRAZY also Claudia obsessed. Seriously we went back to one of the vendors like 5 separate times!
I think we sat in on some people. One of them was the guy who had led the Karoke and he was really great then but really rather boring so we left early to try and do some BenSpotting. So much fail our Ben spotting was.
There was this crazy guy that was cute until he was appalled that Jo and I would be there for Ben and that was about where I stopped listening to him. I am mean. But he was annoying.
There was a story about drunk actors hugging people at early hours of the morning that was hilarious and a reenactment of the events of "Almost running into Ben by the elevators" In which I assured
virkatjol that I would have pushed her into him had she almost done that.
I can't hear a bloody thing in this panel...I may die if Ben's is like this.
Then there was the Chris Judge panel. Which was the only other actor I knew fairly well. Besides the guy who dials the gates and I missed him because he was on Friday when I was working :(
I found out later that Chris Judge had been banned from the Creation events and I was like WELL THAT FRELLING EXPLAINS IT. He was pretty boring and so hard to hear and told pointless jokes and went on forever so like only 4 people got to ask questions. I would have been upset if I had stood in line to ask anything.
Oh gah I need a legit reason to be stalking the twelfth floor.
Our attempt at BenSpotting only gains us the knowledge that he is staying on the 12th floor. Which DUH we should have known since that's where the priority rooms were...Also my attempt of using "I needed a better view than the fourth floor offered?" Wouldn't have worked as it was pouring like woah.
Oh lawd I'm gonna be sick. Yeah the not swooning...not possible.
Someone very wisely told me not to swoon when we saw Ben. Yeah...no. It was like an hour and a half before his panel and surpising (not) I was nauseos I really didn't think I'd be so sick over it. But apparently happy things make me ill and panic IDEK. Jo was like calllllllm breatheeee and I was like HAVE YOU MET ME? <3
HAH so the day before when I was "seeing" Ben everywhere I told
virkatjol that I didnt' know if I'd actually recognize him. So we are in the back of the room something was going on between panels trivia idr? and the door opens and Ben comes in and I was *GASSSP JOOO* OMFG IT"S BEN AND HE WAS HOT AND AMAZING AND I FELT BAD FOR THINKING HE WAS HOT BECAUSE HE"S LIKE SO OLD BUT NO REALLY. IDK everything kinda ran together after that in like panic and holy win and I'm gonna die and it's Fricking Ben Browder in the room.
I'M SHAKING. thank god Claudia isn't here.
It should be noted perhaps that those tweets were all BEFORE he fucking even got on stage. He was just behind the curtain. Yes I know I'm ridiculous.
But honestly this was the reason Jo and I were there so it should be expected that I was excited (rationalizng is stage one?) And we both *eeeeee'd* rather loudly when we saw him and it was kinda awesome.
Soooo I'd been planning what to ask since we decided we were going. Many of them I can not repeat but let me tell you they were awesome and lulzy. And probably to shut me up in the hour of panic before he showed up Virktjol gives me this amazing question to ask. Or it could have been suggested by
dizzydame icr but it's epic! And I'm like hell I'm up for it I'll ask whatever. Or well most of whatever. So Jo and I run up there as soon as he gets on stage because we are awesome like that and WIN we got a great view because we were up front and I'm just running on now.
Also I honestly DID NOT KNOW there was no video. So Jo is like stooooop taping because there was a guy and he was yelling at people for videoing but then he left so I was like uhhh. Also known as I'm really sorry but it's BFB and I must have a record of this.
So He answers some question idk I was sick so I'm really terrible at remembering what and there was a kid who cut but he's a kid and it was kinda hard to tell where the picture taking line and the question asking lines were. So it's finally my turn and he's like "you've been waiting very paitiently" OMG BEN SAID I WAS PAITENT WHICH MEANS HE"S BEEN WATCHING ME probably because Jo and I basically ran up there as soon as he came out. I sound like a total loser now but yeah. I'm so not paitient so too bad my mother couldn't have heard that. And I'm like "I didn't think I'd be this ill, and I'm sorry I didn't bring you any bread." WHICH IS A FARSCAPE CON REFERENCE and he's like "Bread?" and I was like OMG PANIC I"VE JUST ASKED SOMETHING HE DOESN"T EVEN REMEMBER. So I was like "a loaf of bread?" He was adjusting the microphone at this time. He's just so chill it's amazing. So then he's like "You've been talking to Virigina haven't you? Don't do that" And I was all like *BEAM* So I ask my question. "Michael Shanks or Claudia? Who's the better kisser?" HAH and he get's this I'm gonna die look and He tells us "NO TAPING THIS It will cause great personal strifeclaudiablack." IT WAS AWESOME. And I was all prepared for him to ask "Who do you think?" and I would have been like well Claudia uses a lot of tongue sooo... Which is probably better that I didn't get that chance to say :D
Basically I just can't even. That was the greatest answer ever.
And @virkatjol had the best question ever. I don't think I can love Ben's love of J/A anymore fully.
ALSO there was mention of loaves of bread. I.am.a.whore
This was in the foggy haze of tweeting and flail after Jo and I sat back down in the back of the room because we had fail seats. We should have pretended to need more pictures and stayed up front but it's okay. I really can't remember other questions really well. I was just so in utter love with the answers to ours. I"M SO VAIN I PROBABLY THOUGHT THIS CON WAS ABOUT Me. sorry i'm feeling all self concious now... So I'll talk about Jo :P She asked if he could have written anything in season 5 what it might have been WHICH IS LIKE THE BEST QUESTION EVER. I'm so glad she asked because as soon as she told me she wanted to ask that I was like OMG I want to know. And he said Domestic John/Aeryn ....really I should just link the video that I took like JO did...but I just loved that he thought relationships got hotter not less hot after you stick people together and now I really want hot smexiness of season 5 FUFUF whoever cancelled Farscape idkw so I'll just yell at FOX instead. FUFUFFOX
Someone asked if he had advice for a young actor (get a commercial agent) If he really took fencing (not many people know parry 6) Where his daughter was looking at schools (Here's CA...the first one she picks out is like MA) I was weirded out no end by that question honestly. I'm so sorry I can't remember more.
FANON IT'S NOW FANON. Ben Browder has just messed with my head. ILH
SO THEN someone asks I"M NOT EVEN KIDDING almost the exact question that I had thought of asking but didn't because I figured I knew what his answer would be and it was like was it difficult to play a different relationship on SG than on Farscape with Claudia and he said that they were so different characters Vala definitly and Cam in his head at least that it wasn't difficult. Eventually this leads him to say something about the producers of SG1 keeping Claudia and him apart in scenes and whatnot because they have chemistry or something. He mentioned how Kirk and Spock have sexual tension and everyone has like LOL. And THEN HE"S LIKE I"VE LOOKED AT PICTURES OF US STANDING NEXT TO EACH OTHER AND THOUGHT THOSE TWO ARE SHAGGING. and
virkatjol and I died for reals. I DON"T EVEN SHIP IT. I mean... yeah okay not getting into that too much but WE DIED OKAY and it was hilarious and awesome and amazing all at once. which was kinda theme of everythign involving Ben this weekend. He did make sure to add that I MEAN I KNOW THEY AREN"T but the damage to
virkatjol by then was done ;)
.@virkatjol and I are awaiting the print of our picture with Ben. Hoping my death grip on him is cute and not creepy.
After the panel and a slight detour in the hallway so that I could jump up and down hysterically we ran to get in line for pics with Ben. And Jo and I knowing that Ben has a thing for hair TOTES wore our hair down for this occaison because we just needed yet another reason for you all to think we are lame *nods* and we are right in front of the mirror in the hall and Ben runs out and is like I need to fix my hair for all these people and really he just mussed it up more LOL and Jo was like OMG HE LOOKED AT US and I was like FML I DIDN"T SEE. Anywhooo we as I have to assume most fangirls do were planning our 3 seconds of photop time. And I had all these things I wanted to tell him and Jo was like we have to ask about FSCon and so I'm like okay you ask that and I'll idk run offence or something. And we get up there and he sees it's two of us and he opens his arms up wide and i CLAMPED MYSELF TO HIM. Not like in a pervy way...I'm really hoping at least :/ and so to me Jo is not asking and I'm like OMG jo needs to ask and so I just kinda sorta blurt out "PLEASEMAKECLAUDIACOMETOFARSCAPECONBECAUSEIT"STHELASTONE" literally it was just like that. I will never live it down ever. Unless she really does come to FSCon and then I will be on the floor dead. And Jo said yeah it's the last one and the photgrapger was like uh we need another one and Ben was like "Aw I can't get Claudia to do anything" or well that's how my brain understood it. I can't remember the words. I got the feeling he was like Aww like I understand you are Claudia fangirls and just wasted your 3 seconds of photop time with me to flail on her and it is the last one so I feel bad for you but that woman is hard to boss around" It's amazing the gist of things your head hears in such a few words. So for the photo redo Jo flings her arm across him and I cling tighter and the only thing I could think was HE"S SO SQUISHY and he was so comfortable and I'm obviously touch deprived or something because that's the thing I remember and he just felt so nice and comfortable soft and HI I"M WEIRD . Could have been worse I could have tested the bread theory right? So they finish that pic and he's like "She's in charge of our relationship" and it was awesome (and amazing and perfect so on and so on) and then we went and died again.
So there was nothign to do but recover and die over and over after that and there was a desperate call made to
dizzydame because we had no one else to call and flail with and then I was pancing about pictures because I was afraid we had scarred him by clinging so tight, and over the videos being crooked and my jumping in about the question when we'd agreed she would ask and flailing so hard about everything and Jo was like OMG HAVE SOME SUGAR SO YOU CALM DOWN Which made me panic about ticking her off then :O But we went back and got our picture and THANKFULLY it was not as pathetic as we had imagined no weird faces etc. AND we get there and they had printed out both and we were like WIN and we chatted up the photographer as he printout copies and he was like yeah weirdos but in not so many words. Hah.
That was literally so many times more epic than I had even imagined. And that imagined epic was pretty freaking epic. #benbrowder
SEE I can be brief and condense all those ^ paragraphs into a 140 character tweet! And that tweet basically is perfect at explaining exactly how I felt.
No I didn't just check the departure times for planes to CA...I'm not really that lame or so I try and tell myself.
Or go visit the 12th floor just in case...or touch all the elevator down buttons because well... >_>
Also there is totally a real thing as a flail hangover. Usually when you remember asking Ben to make Claudia come to FSCon...
Ah yes the next morning. As far as
virkatjol and I were concerned there was nothing else to see at the convention on Sunday. So we just went to sit in the panels anyway. And I'm really sorry I don't remember half the people there but they were funny and told funny things and would have been funnier by far had I known what show they meant etc. I don't mean to be flippant about the other SG people that were there. I'm sure they are awesome but I hardly knew them so I lost much of what they said and we were realy excited to see Ben. I'm pretty sure that when ever I get to the other SG series or even the rest of SG1 (even though Jo knows I wont :P) that I will look back on this and be like well crap... LOL oh well. One of them tweeted a pic of all of us. and had another actor from Teen Wolf came out and he seemed really nice and apologized for tweeting about a scanvengeur hunt they had set up that ended with somethign in a mailbox but they didnt' know what they were doing and they felt bad for not autographing the thing they had left. And he was like WHEN I WAS YOUNG WE HAD HIDE AND SEEK not geocaching. That paragraph probably makes no sense, sorry.
<----- worst.stargate.fan.ever.
This was at the beginning of David Hewlett I think? And I was feeling bad for not really caring about his talk because I didnt' get what he was talking about. But he got funnier and then the dude people ship Vala with (but idrkw because he was only in one episode with her) came out to join him and them together were great fun and I laughed so freaking hard because they just made fun of themselves and each other and talked about all their B movie experiences and how there was one that DH was in or directed maybe? Attack of the snow monkeys and how it was in romania and the people just smoked all the time so there was like smoke in all the scenes from off set and how he had to put the actors on apple crates because they had no snowmobiles that time and people were just throwing clumps of snow at them and shaking the camera. And then the other dude is going to be in a Jean Claude Van Damm movie and they said there could be a cross over that would be like Van Damm and the attck of the killer snow monkeys. IDEK! It was so funny though.
"Oh look there's a wraith, I must sleep with you now!" Joe Flanigan #sgcon
Hahhahaha then some lady got up to ask a question but she had a really heavy accent and no one could really understand her questions. They were like Uh Mango pudding and 1000 dollar bills? WHAT? It was funny but I felt bad for her a bit and then she asked something else that was like Were your characters more than friends? And they were like uhh unless you were watching something we had no clue about. and then JF was like I didn't know they translated our show so badly. And he said that up there ^^ HAHAH it was so great. And David had been about to leave and let Joe finish by himself before that question and Joe had made him stay and David was like I took a bullet for you staying here!
And now I feel ill and crash-y. Because that high was just so very high.
And then I crashed really hard because I was all worn out and stressed as I
mentioned before about happy things making me ill. idgi either.
So that was out weekend of AwesomeEpicWin. :D
Jo's post
Jo's question
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