Aug 22, 2011 19:43


Stargate Con was amazzzzing!!! I got to FLAIL excessively with valhallalilly which is always a great time. We called dizzydame after our BENcounter and FLAILED at her too. I HOPE SHE DIDN'T MIND....

I saw Gary Jones on Friday, but first somehowunbroken and I met up. She had AWESOME SEATS and I was in the nose bleeds but I snuck up to sit with her for a bit between people. Gary was AWESOME, so funny. He plays Walter for all that don't know. Of course if you don't know who Walter is that doesn't help. He's like a minor character thats in the eps a lot. In charge of the gate dialing and stuff.

He told a great story about how he was reading a Vanity Fair magazine waiting for them to get ready to shoot the scene and then suddenly there was a cut and move on. and he was like LOLQUE. But Peter Deluise, who was directing at the time, knew and said it looked like he was reading a tech manual. Gary was like THE WORLD IS ENDING IN 5 SECONDS AND I AM READING A TECH MANUAL... It's somewhere in Season 6. he had no idea where cause he never read the scripts.

After Gary was the Stargate Yes/No game. 30 people with 2 signs answer Yes/No q's about SG. And somehowunbroken would have TOTALLY WON the first round. So she goes up for the 2nd (they asked me if I wanted to go up. I was like LOOOOOL no. I'm not a Real SG fan...). Unfortunately there was a really stupid un fair question that made everyone go wuuuuuut. And she answered wrong. :( NOT HER FAULT AND SHE ROCKS.

I went up to my room then and chatted with dizzydame, wrote fic with her and waited for valhallalilly to get there. She had to work. :( Her mom and dad drove her up and then took us out for CHICAGO DEEP DISH PIZZA!! OMG SOOOO GOOOD!!! Her parents were SUPER NICE!! <33333 I don't think I scared them at all. Maybe. hehehe

Then we got back and went to watch karaoke. But the schedule was screwy so we had to wait for the Cabaret to be done... hnnng. While we were waiting this guy sat down with us. He was a little hot. Then he asked us who we were there for and when we said Ben Browder he SCOFFED AT US. And then went into this rant about Chris Judge... um ok. Then THEN he said how Claudia wasn't that awesome and we were like well now we know we can't be friends. Then he proceeded to tell us about how SGU was the best ever and we needed to watch it.

Not happening...

So the Karaoke was a BLAST! Paul McGuillion and Gary Jones sang the 500 MILES song. Which was awful and wonderful all at once. Then Chris Judge randomly popped out of the back and they started moshing. I wish i had pics but they asked tht we take NONE. BOOO. Alex Zahara ran the whole night and he was tons of fun. So much that I was like we should listen to him the next day. We stuck it out til about midnight then both of us were crashing hard. Both up forever and I'd driven from Saint Paul to Chicago that morning. I did get up and sing Bad Romance with a group of other girls. It was SO FUN!! Alex Zahara stood behind me and had his arm on my shoulder. I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHO HE IS BUT IT MADE ME FEEL SPECIAL OK!?!?!

The next morning we walked longingly past the LONG ASS LINE for Ben's breakfast thing. Neither of us had Gold Tickets and there weren't any extras. We went to the McDonald's next door and a guy coming out also was missing out on the breakfast and that made us feel like less of losers. LOL

Then we ate and went back and Ran into somehowunbroken by the elevators. She re-enacted her ~encounter with Ben from the night before. WHERE SHE ALMOST RAN INTO HIS ASS BUT HER FRIEND STOPPED HER. You might need to assess your ~friendship. Wouldn't a real friend help you ~accidentally grab Ben's ass??? I would have. HEHE

Then CREEPIER CAME DOWN. Ugh don't stand by elevators I guess is the moral of that story. But he like totally butted into our circle. Then meanly we abandoned somehowunbroken to his SGU ranting, despite her insistence that she hated it, and went to check in valhallalilly.

We were all excited to check out the vendor room...

It was Creation's booth plus 2 vendors. By the time the weekend was over we'd gone back like 5 times and bought everything CLAUDIA we could find.

We watched a the first part of Alex Zahara's talk on Sat but he was surprisingly uninteresting despite his awesomeness from the night before. Then we went to stalk the lobby for Ben. That failed. Then went back to listen to Chris Judge after we had lunch.

It was hard to hear Chris. Which was sad cause he's funny. He's also very ADD. LOL I'm not really sure what he talked about. But There was farting jokes.

Next was the official lunch break. I think we went to our room or something I'm not sure. But after that was paul McGuillion and he was a GREAT TIME!! OMG SOOOO FUNNY. He talked about how kissing David Hewlett was scaring. He told a story about a German Con that he went to and someone gave him a giant cross stitch of him being dipped by Joe Flanigan. Neither of them were wearing shirts... He was like I don't think Joe would hold me like that? The person was like sure you're friends. He was like IDK. YOU'RE COMRADES AND FRIENDS AREN'T YOU? then he dropped it. LOL He did a lot about his family in scotland. I've never watch SGA so I am sure i didn't appreciate him nearly enough but I DID ENJOY HIM TONS.


We had an awesome plan. IT involved GETTING UP TO THE FRONT THE FRELLING LINE TO ASK BEN SOME QUESTIONS. So as SOON AS HE WAS INTRODUCED valhallalilly and I shot up from our chairs and RACED to the side with the questions. This was a grand idea for two reasons. 1. It got is in line early to be sure we got our questions asked and 2. we got to stand close up and enjoy Ben with GOOD SEATS. BEN IS SO FRELLING HOT OMG.

This kid cut in front of us... HNNNG. anyway he got a HUGE cheer. And it made me happy. Then He talked about all the cancer that's touched his life lately. Losing his manager, his dad and then his wife being diagnosed with breast cancer. He said that Ben Browder causes cancer so you should give him up. To which I loudly yelled NEVER!! He talked a little longer. Telling the shag story.

Apparently when he went to england for college he had some issues with lost in translation. Once he was asked to teach a dance to the class and offered to teach the shag. (video to follow)

Someone got a hug early. I was sad it wasn't me. Then someone asked him to recited the opening credits stuff to Farscape. (when the person warned it was a FS question the audience was quite receptive) and Ben did alright. I have video, I'll put at the end. Then The kid that cut was up next. I Don't remember what he asked. But then back to the other side. Apparently when I'm SUPER EXCITED/NERVOUS I don't remember a lot...

NOW IT IS valhallalilly's turn. Now i take credit for her question. Because I DO. I Wouldn't have EVER asked it myself so I'm so glad she was willing. hehe Here is kinda how it went down.

V: Sorry I didn't bring any bread...
B: Didn't bring any what?
V: Bread, a loaf of bread.
B: you've been talking to Virginia haven't you? Don't do that.
V: Michael Shanks or Claudia, Who's a better kisser?
B: The question was who's the better Michael shanks or claudia. (GIANT LAUGHS FROM ALL). Turn off all recording devices. This doesn't go on the internet cause this could cause me lots of personal strife. Claudia Black. (SORRY BEN IT NEEDS TO BE HEREEEEEEE)

There were CHEEEERS!! Then he went on to talk about how you shouldn't just randomly kiss a guy. That his Pole Vaulters asked him one day about "IS IT OK FOR A MAN TO KISS ANOTHER MAN?" and he's like what do I say? They have the youtube video on their phones and they are watching it. Coach's already done it! LOL

Then there was another questions. THEN IT WAS MY TURN!!

I asked him If there was a Season 5 of Farscape did he have any plot ideas that he wanted to do. Then i told him that I loved his episodes. (he said thanks) He talked about how he was in the writers room a lot for S2/3 but not as much in S4. Then he was like i wanted to explore DOMESTIC JOHN/AERYN. He makes a headache joke. (video below)

Then he went on to talk about other things... AT THIS POINT WE WERE FLAILING REALLY HARD. REALLY REALLY HARD.... So I think I missed some of it... LOL

He commented about looking at colleges with his daughter. Someone pressed him for where and he was great about not divulging really. I don't know why she kept asking... So weird.

He talked about the decision to call Daniel Jackson - Jackson. And how some fans didn't like that. But he called him Daniel ONCE and he didn't feel that he knew him well enough and it was the military so he would have used the last name. Then when he pulls out the first name it had more meaning.

He kept Winona from the Set of FS. And he hasn't let go of Australia yet. Chris Judge mooning people was brought up. Interestingly enough Judge had talked about NOT doing this earlier that day... LOOOL Apparently it's Amanda Tapping and Ben against him... HAHAH

One of the best parts was when someone asked about him and Claudia making the transition to SG from FS. And he said it wasn't too hard because they were kept apart a lot and her character was so different. But he made a comment about their undeniable chemistry and how he's seen pics of them together and though THOSE TWO ARE SHAGGING! HAHAHAH WIN BEN WIN!!

He talked about more stuff too and got booted WAY TOO SOON.

Then we RACED down to the lower level and hopped into line to get our pics with him. He came out and was like I need to check my hair for these. And he looked AT US!!! HEEEE.

It was fun waiting in the line around the room. We got to stare at HOT BEN and OMG HE LOOKS AMAZING FOR 48. HE DOESN'T LOOK THAT OLD AT ALL. I'd fuck him. So we're planning as we go since it's both of us in one pic. V is like YOU need to ask about asking Claudia to come to FS con. I was like OKAY I WILL DO THAT. so we get there. FINALLY. The lady at the end spot who told the next people to go was super nice and was like HELL YEAH PICS WITH THAT HOT MAN. hehehe

So we get to TOUCH BEN OMG and V IMMEDIATELY BLURTS OUT GET CLAUDIA TO FS CON! hahahaha he's like OH OH I can't get her to do anything she controls our relationship. Then they end up having to take another PIC. So we are like It's the last one!!! Please?!?! And he's like I'll try. We held on TIGHTLY for the 2nd pic and then on the way out I said HAVE YOUR KIDS TEXT HER TO COME! He was like That might work! HAHA



Ok so We went to everyone on Sunday. Starting with David Deluise(pete on SG1) he was funny. His character wasn't well liked and he played on that a lot. Then he liked to talk about all the times he got to make out with Amanda Tapping.

Then it was JR Bourne (Martouf SG1) He was GREAT!!! I was a fan. he tweeted from his chair and V and I immediately pull out our phones and follow! HAHAH

Then was David Hewlett solo and he was making fun of Joe, who was back ~stage and got rained on with Chocolate. Then Joe joined him on stage. Let me tell you. I have seen NOTHING past Pegasus Project(SG1) of Atlantis. THese two made me think about wanting to watch it. But I think that I just enjoyed them making fun of each other and them selves.

One Questions I remember because it was pertinent to my interests. Someone asked David who he thought would win in a fight: Ben Browder or Joe Flanigan. His answer was that Joe would run away. So Fleeing Flanigan wins. HAHAHAHA


Ok so the fun stuff:


Ben doing the FS intro:

image Click to view

Ben about teaching to SHAG

image Click to view

Ben doing his Impression of Bad Kids Go To Hell roll:

image Click to view


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i asked him question, he ships j/a hard too, stargate, farscape, omfg ben browder, ben browder, love love love, i want to keep him forever, i love ben

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