I'm thinking of cutting off my hair. I finally got it healthy and I really like it, but winter and static and long hair stuck in my coat isn't encouraging. Plus, it is langer than my elbows, so it gets in the way at work. Probably wouldn't cut it until October.
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Jul 10, 2011 02:42
2am and once again I feel the unfortuantee urge to communicate. But tonight I'm keeping my mought shut.
Oh pardon. 3am. Should I even bother going to sleep?
Jul 09, 2011 23:11
Cleaning house today. IT was tons of fun to be able to wear a tank top and a little flippy skirt.
Jul 09, 2011 18:22
"So tell me, what is our ending? Will it be beautiful?"
Jul 09, 2011 11:12
My feet hurt, but I had a great time. It's nice to combine two of my favorite tings, nice to be good at something, nice to have companionship, and yes, nice to be (or at least feel) admired. Even the creepy old guy's compliment was nice, mostly because I think it is true.
Jul 08, 2011 17:56
"After all this has passed, I still will remain
After I've cried my last, there'll be beauty from pain"
Jul 08, 2011 11:34
I shouldn't let myself type at people after my bedtime. Sleep deprivation and the accompanying emotional unhingement permits more regretable things than alcohol ever has for me. But my priorities really ought to be more strongly aligned emotionally with what they are logically antway. For what it's worth, sorry.
Jul 03, 2011 00:06
I found a nice quiet place to study with people I like who are all focused intently on what they are doing. Any guesses? I'm considering trying to write my thesis there.
I also bought a very pretty dress.
My Dad brought up the concept of my going out in a positive manner the other day. It really shocked me.
Jun 10, 2011 22:00
I had a tea that smelled and tasted alot like whiskey the other day. And my baby sister got to Granada before me. Toldeo too. I'm glad for her. I suppose if I die before I visit those places, I won't mind by the time I Get to heaven.
May 30, 2011 17:51
I still have a strong urge to try a pixie cut. I wonder how many years that would take to grow out? What I have right now would make a gorgeous wig though.