Title: Haunting Author: VampireMadonna Pairing: YunJae Rating: PG-13 Length: Undetermined Summary: A tragic end leads to a new beginning... A/N: To make up for the fact that the chapter was so short :)
I really liked the real part 2 with all those emotions, it was so touching, I felt a strong urge to cry, so I'm happy that at the end you decided you won't include these scenes, although I liked them as well.
Comments 12
There is no way now Yunho will be able to get rid of Jaejoong that easily.
Karma is a bitch. ^^
Music: shinee - Lucifer
I'm glad you didn't use these scenes, it's better that way because the fic would have a deeper meaning of angst and have a big impact on the reader.
But it's good to see the deleted scenes. It's exciting;;
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