Title: All the Time in the World
Author: vampmissedith
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Dean/Cas
Warnings: Character death
Spoilers: Season eight speculation
Word Count: 2,807
Summary: Dean told himself that he hadn’t ever had the time to tell Cas how he felt but it was a lie; there had been more than enough chances for him to surge forward and kiss him; to
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Comments 17
You really got Cas's voice and attitude down. I'm having a hard time imagining Dean wailing; he didn't even lose it that way when Sam was killed (the first time). Dean tends to internalize to a certain point. But again, my opinion.
It's nice to see you back.
I'm going to have to disagree with you, however. He did in fact wail when Sam was killed, and did grab him. I intentionally referred to that scene when writing that scene. Considering Dean himself was also dying (and they had both been killed by a routine hunt) he would also be considering all of that.
And while Dean does internalize, he has matured since that season quite a bit. Also, he is more likely to "lose it" in the heat of the moment; he cries more often than Sam does, and reacts more physically in intense situations than Sam does. Sam is often the one who keeps a level head in times of stress.
Thank you for reviewing and it's nice to be able to write again.
I may not be that into the Supernatural fandom, but I do follow the show, well enough that I can follow most fics. And I thought this was so so great. I'm really getting into the idea of a Dean/Cas pairing, (mostly thanks to you) and I thought the characterization and dialogue were spot-on. Please write them forever. It'd really mean alot. ;)
(Unfortionately, I have no icons that are very appropriate, but allow me to offer up this Luke/Noah, as a consolation)
Thank you for reading and reviewing!
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