This explains why the Anglo-Saxon race always wins.
I remember an Iranian chat room friend in the late 1990s who wanted to marry an English woman so that his offspring would inherit the gene of invincibility.
We breed hatred within ourselves only to the extent where it does not inconvenience us. What this means is that breeding hatred does not have an absolute cause (say like hunger) and hence can be eliminated
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I am not making any judgment out of this. Tip: The write-up meanders into many sub-topics and hence frequent restatements of what you have read until then will be of help.
A language is always in flux. If you nail down a language, the language survives academically, but speakers will eventually dwindle. It just keeps on changing - by borrowing or losing or getting substituted etc.. So attemps to curtail change in a language will not succeed.
I am slowly losing hope on grandiose visions. I think that successful visions are simple. The grandiose ones are just perceptions marketed successfully.
Carl Jung says that a happy life means that dreams are sadder. And vice-versa. Not sure how true this is. But it is an interesting thought. So dream is sort of a balancing mechanism. To balance what though ? I think that it's to balance the unconscious forces inside us.
How to define poverty. What I mean is, is there a threshold money availability for a person which is needed to cater to most of that person's needs (not greeds) and enable him to be whatever (s)he wants to be. May be PPP comes close.