I knew this day would eventually come, as it inevitably must.
When I first saw that smile, my life wouldn't be the same, and now, it won't be right. Oh sure, I'll have my memories....
But, in the end, he's a time traveller, he's not "gone" just living in re-runs.
David Tennant is no longer the Doctor.
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Jan 23, 2008 13:49
It's been a random few days. Still no word yet on the postal side of things, but I know I did rather well on the test
Read more... )
Jan 21, 2008 22:56
Whether or not it's a huge success, I am still alive, that's about all really.
Jan 07, 2008 22:39
I've had a nasty poison ivy rash on my left elbow for a few days, I hope it's healed by the time I have the postal exam next week.
Freakonomics should be here tomorrow.
Dec 27, 2007 10:15
I had a weird dream last night that I was a dude in Law & Order. In a high school.
For some reason, the only "line" I remember was, "When old air goes out, fresh air comes in" that line was spoken by someone to denote how someone's views could change so fast.
Still pretty weird dream.