Title: The Snugglefic Author: variousflumps Pairing: Alicia/Kalinda Rating: PG Summary: Snuggling and a little bit of angst.
Author's note: The working title for this was The Snugglefic and then I went through 238 other titles to come up with a "proper" title, but it just wanted to be called The Snugglefic, so it is.
^ That is me being incoherently squee-filled over your fic.
I loooooooooooove this! Kalinda and Alicia are so true to character and I really believe that this is how it could happen. I especially like how you dealt with Kalinda's seeming lack of emotion, because I do believe she does feel guilty even if she kind of sucks at showing it.
Also, this: “I don’t want to hurt you.”
“You have some weird kissing technique you need to tell me about?”
Thanks for the squeeing! Yeah, K is gonna be walking round all impervious but I think the elevator bit showed that there's plenty of emotion there if anyone could just get to it...am fascinated to see how long K will pretend not to care about Alicia before something cracks in season three!
*giggles endlessly at the weird kissing technique remark*
eee, I LOVE YOUR VERSION SO MUCH BETTER!!!!!!! This is WHAT SHOULD HAPPEN! Cuddles galore and adorable embarrassment from Kalinda from enjoying said cuddles!
And I loved that Kalinda finally exploded into Alicia's overly trustingness! (Reminds me of Setsuna worried about Konoka when they get separated in the magical world!)
The Snugglefic is aptly named. You are awesome. *nods*
Nice epilogue! (Unlike some others... *ahem*) Ah yes, in this case, what a great time to talk to Cary! *pets him for looking after Kalinda & ringing Alicia about her*
Also loved this little exchange: “I might…have some problems, being your girlfriend. I’m not good at the emotional stuff.”
“Oh dear,” Alicia deadpanned. “You could have told me that before.”And you managed to fit so much wonderful into this! Angst, wonderful, adorable, wonderful, *huggles them all* Their flirting and banter was brilliantly playful. I don't agree Lish, you're not 12, 16 maybe! XP
( ... )
This is definitely what should happen. Season three should be the snuggle season. And I would love one of Kalinda's big, dark, mysterious secrets to be that she has a major fetish for something ridiculously cute and fluffy like snuggling that she just can't bring herself to admit. But Alicia would get it out of her, of course.
I'm not even going to lie, I GENUINELY TEARED UP AT ALL THOSE FEELINGS. and then I started laughing through my tears and it was beautiful and wonderful and I adored it. that's all I have to say. I'm not very coherent when I'm emotional.
Aww, tears and everything? That's very flattering for a writer to hear! Very glad it moved you. There's an awful lot of feelings for poor K to deal with in a couple of weeks...let's hope there's someone to snuggle her...(not Cary not Cary not Cary, no offense to anyone who likes him. But not Cary.)
Comments 17
^ That is me being incoherently squee-filled over your fic.
I loooooooooooove this! Kalinda and Alicia are so true to character and I really believe that this is how it could happen. I especially like how you dealt with Kalinda's seeming lack of emotion, because I do believe she does feel guilty even if she kind of sucks at showing it.
Also, this:
“I don’t want to hurt you.”
“You have some weird kissing technique you need to tell me about?”
made me laugh.
Beautifully done.
eee, I LOVE YOUR VERSION SO MUCH BETTER!!!!!!! This is WHAT SHOULD HAPPEN! Cuddles galore and adorable embarrassment from Kalinda from enjoying said cuddles!
And I loved that Kalinda finally exploded into Alicia's overly trustingness! (Reminds me of Setsuna worried about Konoka when they get separated in the magical world!)
The Snugglefic is aptly named. You are awesome. *nods*
Nice epilogue! (Unlike some others... *ahem*) Ah yes, in this case, what a great time to talk to Cary! *pets him for looking after Kalinda & ringing Alicia about her*
Also loved this little exchange:
“I might…have some problems, being your girlfriend. I’m not good at the emotional stuff.”
“Oh dear,” Alicia deadpanned. “You could have told me that before.”And you managed to fit so much wonderful into this! Angst, wonderful, adorable, wonderful, *huggles them all* Their flirting and banter was brilliantly playful. I don't agree Lish, you're not 12, 16 maybe! XP ( ... )
Thanks so much for reading!
that's all I have to say. I'm not very coherent when I'm emotional.
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