Plans for 2008 in Vana'D; 2007 in Review

Jan 02, 2008 16:05

Happy New Year everyone!

I'm still not much for turning over new leaves or making resolutions due to something as arbitrary as the calendar changing... :P  But I did make a 2007 plans entry last year, so it's time to review that and plan for 2008.  If nothing else, I'm a creature of habit.

2007 Summary:
Gleaned from these two entries, you can see what my plans for 2007 were:

Let's see how I did.

- Finish off leveling NIN to 75 (Done)
- Complete CoP Missions (Complete, with the exception of Apocalypse Nigh)
- Win final Zilart BC (Done)
- Level DRG and SAM to 37 (Done)
- Merit, merit, merit... (Done, but more to do :P )
- Assault & Salvage (Very little Salvage, but Captain Rank in Assault)
- Continue to progress ClanBladeDynamis (As mentioned, CBD is no more, but Immortality continues to be productive)
- Have fun with friends!! (Done, but more to do :P )
- Pick up crafting again, WW to 100 & finish Gold, Cloth, & Smithing to 60 (92, 40, 53, 46 atm respectively) (Failure)
- Limbus!  Defeat Proto-Omega and Proto-Ultima (Omega Done, Ultima yet to attempt)

All in all, a pretty good year from a goal perspective.  My only real shortcoming is on the crafting front.  In fact, of all the crafts listed I only got a measely 2 levels in Woodworking.  I just haven't wanted to spend the gil to boost them further while the economy continues to dip.

Additionally, I achieved a few goals that were not stated throughout the year.  Most notably, completing ToAU Missions, obtaining Byakko's Haidate, and becoming shellholder for ClanDestine; the coolest social LS on Cerberus.  :D

2008 Plans:
Again, just like last year I won't be listing these in any level of importance:

- Work again on crafting goals, WW to 100 & finish Gold, Cloth, & Smithing to 60
- Level a new job in my spare time; contingent on results from a ClanD poll
- Complete Homam armor from Limbus (3/5 atm)
- Personally obtain at least one Northlands AF2 (oh-fer a lot so far!)
- Participate in a battle versus Kirin
- Keep current with WotG missions
- Merit, merit, merit... (@96 & counting)
- Cap at least 3 of the following Combat Skills (Great Axe, Hand-to-Hand, Club, Sword, Throwing, Parry)
- Join a static/regular Nyzul Isle or Salvage group
- Keep running Immortality as a fun & productive LS for friends and soon-to-be friends
- Have fun with all my friends!!

I have done so much lately and completed so many missions and quests, that now is the time that I can sit back and just enjoy whatever it is that I most want to do in the game.  It feels great to not have the weight of incomplete missions or unleveled jobs on my shoulders.  Now the hard part is figuring out how much time I want to spend and what I want to spend it doing.  ^^  Not a bad place to be.

Quotation of the Day: "**starts looking at travel brochures for his happy place**" - Paragon, who after putting in way too much time and doing way more than he was ever expected to do, has decided to call it quits.  ^^


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