Plans for 2009 in Vana'D; 2008 in Review

Jan 06, 2009 13:53

This isn't my first post of the year, but it's time to see what I got done last year and figure out what I want to do this year.

2008 Summary:
Well, at the beginning of 2008 I made a post with some goals that I hoped to achieve during the year and in retrospect it looks like I met some of them quite easily and others, well, not so much:

Let's see how I did.

- Work again on crafting goals, WW to 100 & finish Gold, Cloth, & Smithing to 60 (WW Done, 51, 56, and 46 on the others)
- Level a new job in my spare time; contingent on results from a ClanD poll (Done, Corsair was selected and leveled to 75)
- Complete Homam armor from Limbus (3/5 atm) (Done, took almost all year though)
- Personally obtain at least one Northlands AF2 (oh-fer a lot so far!) (Done... got them all, actually lol)
- Participate in a battle versus Kirin (Done, haha... seems routine now)
- Keep current with WotG missions (Slacking here... my Campaign medal is current, but not my missions)
- Merit, merit, merit... (@96 & counting) (Currently @215 merits)
- Cap at least 3 of the following Combat Skills (Great Axe, Hand-to-Hand, Club, Sword, Throwing, Parry) (H2H & Sword Done, but not a third >.>)
- Join a static/regular Nyzul Isle or Salvage group (Done on both counts... owning @Nyzul and just getting started in Salvage)
- Keep running Immortality as a fun & productive LS for friends and soon-to-be friends (Done, hurrah!!)
- Have fun with all my friends!! (Done, hurrah!!)

Well, again I did pretty well hitting my goals, but in retrospect there weren't too many of them that were all that lofty.  I guess most of all I need to get current with the WotG missions, but right now there doesn't seem to be much of an incentive to do so.

2009 Goals:
I honestly can't think of a lot of things for 2009.  I don't think my interest is waning, but I've actually accomplished a lot more than I thought I would in 2008, so I'm ahead of myself in my mind somehow.... if that makes any sense.  Anyway, this is what I can think of for now in no particular order:

- Finish off all subcrafts to 60; Clothcraft (56), Goldsmithing (51), and Smithing (46)
- Battle and defeat Odin in Einherjar
- Defeat Dynamis Lord in Dynamis-Xarcabard (so close last time ;;)
- Complete multiple Salvage armor upgrades
- Try to focus on Jailers in Sea and ZNMs a bit more
- Get the ~55 more merits I need to be happy with my merit standing
- Participate at least semi-regularly in ENMs (for gil/items/xp)
- Keep a close eye on Immortality and try to grow it while maintaining a fun, drama adverse atmosphere.
- Have fun with my friends... and help gear them out so we can kill more fun and exciting shit!

That's even fewer goals than last year!  I think my character is going to be in sort of a maintenance mode for 2009 while most of my focus is going to be on improving the linkshell with new events while still having fun and streamlining our efficiency at existing events.  For example, if you'd told me that we'd have done 21 Proto-Omegas in 2008 with 2/3rds of them backloaded in the 2nd half of the year I'd call you crazy.  It'd be awesome if this time next year I was talking about our 10th Odin kill or something like that, haha!  I don't see that happening, but if we continue to steamroll through Dynamis and other events this year I'll be pretty pleased.

Quotation of the Day: "!! Awesome :D" - Wodie, after we finished off a Jailer of Fortitude COR & RDM duo and it dropped the Torque!


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