Title: In-eo ( 인 어 )
Pairing: YunJae
Rating: PG-13 (for now)
Length: Chaptered
Disclaimer: Nope; not mine.
Summary: Rescue a merman! Check! Room with him! …Check? Fall in love with him! Wait, what?!
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prologue ||
1 The finny tale of a poor college student a certain merman named Jung Yunho.
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It was an impulsive decision. Really.
I mean, how often do people come across an insufferably handsome man thrashing around like a fish on dry land?
As soon as I stumbled on him with his blood-shot eyes glaring at me, commanding me to just do something, I knew I had to aid him somehow. It didn’t even matter if I had never seen him once in my life. My legs carried themselves on their own, rushing towards the helpless stranger.
Undeniably, it was no easy task moving the man. He was probably a good few pounds heavier than me; small cops here and there informed me he was all hard muscles underneath those tattered clothes.
As I draped his arm around my shoulder, a tiny fragment of my brain whispered that I would eventually regret helping this man, but the larger portion screamed that I'd be committing murder by simply ditching him.
Not too much time passed before I was seriously thinking about dumping the guy aside. Of course, he would faint and cling to me like a limp carcass halfway through my epic journey home.
It took almost an entire hour to drag to him to the cheap apartment building I resided in. Add another ten minutes to climb up two very long flights of crummy stairs since the elevator was out of order. By the time I reached room 48, I was completely out of breath and strength.
How I grinned in relief when I stepped inside my tiny abode! But after that came the part where I tripped over something as trivial as a welcome mat. Helloooo there, floor! It was an instant black out the moment my poor forehead slammed onto the tiled ground. Don’t forget to include Mr. Handsome’s hefty body. Crushed me he did, yes.
The next thing I knew when I woke up, I was staring at a half-man, half-naked, half-fish creature thingymachiger in my bathtub shooting sharp daggers at me with his amazingly deep blue irises.
TBC... A/N: I have no idea where this story is gonna go or if anyone will actually read it. Planning in progress, I guess. hahaha Long, short, incomplete - I'm not sure yet. Vulgar language will appear every now and then. Rating might go up, too. Please note that the first chapter will not be in first person format. ^^