Title: Monkey's Paw Love Song (3/6) Author: vensre Starring: Dom/Billy Rating: R Disclaimer: The way I can imagine is not the true Way. Notes: Beta by ali_jayne. For Puella. { 1 ~ 2 }
Still really loving this. Especially like how you did the bike crash scene--very straightforward and vivid, and it was perfect to end on Viggo's dialogue.
And yay for the word "kismet." It's just one of those that you find buried in the thesaurus and think WHY hasn't it been used more often? (But alas, such are the thoughts of an English major!)
Concrete feedback is better than chocolate. ♥ Much appreciated.
I have very poor luck with bicycles. I'm afraid I took it out on Dom a little, although it'd be more true to my own experience if he'd landed right on his face.
Comments 24
And yay for the word "kismet." It's just one of those that you find buried in the thesaurus and think WHY hasn't it been used more often? (But alas, such are the thoughts of an English major!)
Very much looking forward to more!
I have very poor luck with bicycles. I'm afraid I took it out on Dom a little, although it'd be more true to my own experience if he'd landed right on his face.
::squeezes you to see if you squee::
Hee! J/G is what I do. Anchor's mine.
(The comment has been removed)
::sits on you:: ♥
Thanks again for reading.
::that ridiculous open-mouthed smile::
You look like a happy savage in that icon.
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