Some Asians do not have eyelids. Some Asians get surgery to create an eyelid. There is much misunderstanding that surrounds this procedure. By far the greatest one is "they're doing it because they want to look white
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Ah, gotcha! I actually knew that. I think I just had a stupid moment coz the first thing that popped into my head was, "If some Asians don't have eyelids, how do they close their eyes?" hahaha!
This is what happens when I study too much. My brain becomes saturated with abstract intellectual theories and concepts about such and such a topic, which then leaves it unable to grasp simple concepts.
Well, since I think tanning is evil, as is about 99% of plastic surgery, I don't feel too wrong in asking why anyone would be so picky as to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars to have a crease in their eyelids? Both of the girls pictured above are very beautiful. I'll trade the bottom one my eyebrow crease if she'll wear my fat.
No kidding. My sister and I had a hell of a time figuring out what the directions in Seventeen/YM meant. "What's this crease they're talking about?" During our last trip to Asia, my sister bought these small adhesives meant to go right above your eyelashes, so the wearer would have the much coveted Occidental Fold.
Well, I couldn't read the directions (in Japanese), but that's how my grandmother translated the writing on the package. My dad has one natural eyefold, but he had the other operated on to match.
Comments 25
And when you say that some Asians don't have eyelids, do you mean they don't have any at all, or that the eyelids they do have are not prominent?
"No eyelid" means there is no crease above the eye.
This woman has no crease.
( ... )
This is what happens when I study too much. My brain becomes saturated with abstract intellectual theories and concepts about such and such a topic, which then leaves it unable to grasp simple concepts.
With my dreads, a lot of people think I want to "look black". I don't really think anyone wants to "look white".
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