lyras | Happy-making Who vid: Via abigail89, the cast & crew of Doctor Who geek out to The Proclaimers at the end of David Tennant's tenure as the Doctor. It's so awesome and happy-making, I actually got a little teary at the end.
drwho [x]
paian | AT, LJ, J/D: Two collaborative Jack/Daniel vids since the last time I mentioned any vids here: In Shadow (brand new, by Holdt and Darcy), and Transference (adult, NSFW) (from last month, by ravenholdt and buefo). I'm so happy that this pairing is still being vidded. ♥
sg1 [x]
laurashapiro | Vid Rec: Doctor Who: china_shop has made such a wonderful Rory vid. If you love Rory Williams, you will love Not Perfect. If you're not convinced about Rory Williams, it may in fact convince you. Surprisingly epic in scope but with the right modest and ironic tone, this vid captures all of Rory's facets and weaves them together into a solidly structured, funny, poignant experience that will make you smile -- and possibly cry.
drwho [x]
calvinahobbes: It has been too long!: A few weeks ago there was a small SGA resurgence in vidding Fandom, which made me very happy. bironic made A Girl Like You about John Sheppards canonical love for women who can kick his ass. And purplefringe made Ça Plane Pour Moi about John's silly faces. Both are so joyful and silly!
sga [x]
astridv: Rec of the day: A Halloween-appropriate vid rec: Monster, Monster by thedothatgirl (BtVS) Seven Seasons of monsters, courtesy of Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Music : In The Hall of The Mountain King- From the Peer Gynt suite by Grieg. 'Cause as thedothatgirl says: Halloween ain't the same without a little Buffy. and in honor of the day, a re-rec: Every Day is Halloween in the Pegasus Galaxy by bironic (Stargate: Atlantis) gen; Humor; Warning: really makabre... It's Halloween, after all. Summary: Come into my hive ship, little boys and girls... A Wraith POV vid set to Halloween by Stephen Lynch. The lyrics and the footage match perfectly and the result is hilarious. And weirdly aesthetic.
spn sga [x]
Supernatural Vid Recs - 7.06 vid recs...: A couple of vids worth watching relating to 7.06 This song was BEGGING to be vidded. Happy to say this vid does a lovely job of getting the sentiment just right: *hearts in eyes* (warning for mild, mild wincest) Vidder for feedback: Cazzy on YT This next vid is awesome. A great way to visually see the film references in 7.06. *huggles inner geek* Vidder Feedback Supernatural Slash Fiction by missyjack
spn [x]
Want some candy, little fangirl? - STARSKY & HUTCH VID REC: Turn, Turn, Turn by Kat-Byrd: STARSKY & HUTCH VID REC: Turn, Turn, Turn by Kat-Byrd Musical artist: The Byrds Pairing: gen Vidder on LJ: sc_fossil Vidder's website: here Why this vid kicks ass: Because it’s my Secret Santa gift? :) But it’s not the main reason why you should watch it. You should watch it because the song is very fitting for Starsky & Hutch (EVERYTHING what the song is about happened to them). The scene selection works so well with the lyrics that I just want to re-watch the entire show again and it’s THIS song! Enjoy! Thank you again for this wonderful gift ♥
starsky_hutch [x]
dodificus | Rec: Chuck: Genreswap Trailer Vidder: gigglemonster Fandom: Chuck This was cool but also disturbing because the vidder created this awesome trailer for a scary movie that doesn't exist but she got all the footage from the show itself. Which. Yeah. Chills.
chuck [x]
astridv: Rec of the day: End of History by SerenKyun (FMA) MMV; Roy/Riza SerenKyun's editing is always fresh and dynamic. At first I wasn't sure about the use of typography but after watching a couple times I found I like it - I like how it picks up the song lyrics and at the same time casually translates the Japanese dialogue, all while interacting with the art. It makes it a bit harder to catch everything at once (hence the repeated watching) but yeah, very interesting!
fma [x]
Want some candy, little fangirl? - A Little less Conversation by Luckybiatch: A Little less Conversation by Luckybiatch Fandom: WHITE COLLAR Pairing: Full cast Music: A little less conversation by Elvis vs JXL Length: 3:54 Vidder's Website: Youtube Why this vid kicks ass: Tight editing, excellent clip choices, and a fantastic eye for detail make Luckybiatch one of the best editors out there and in 'A Little Less Conversation' she delivers a solid hit. Billed as ...some of the awesome/fun scenes of White Collar edited to a catchy-ass song, this vid will have you grinning as you relive some of the best moments of the show.
whitecollar [x]
Want some candy, little fangirl? - Invincible by Humansrsuperior: Invincible by Humansrsuperior Vidder: humansrsuperior Musical artist: OK GO Vidder's website: Vid tag, Neural Cluster, Youtube Why this vid kicks ass: River Song is Awesome. And this is an awesome vid about her. This is actually two awesome vids about her; the original was made in June, before Let's Kill Hitler aired, using a slightly edited down version of the song; after Let's Kill Hitler aired, humansrsuperior realized that the edited out bit fit absolutely perfectly with the events of that episode and what we learned about River. The music is perfect, the editing is tight and the clips are fit beautifully to the words and the rhythm of the song. (There is a lot of fast cutting, if that bothers you stay away)
drwho [x]
Want some candy, little fangirl? - VID REC: Sweet Dispositon by eitherxoro/snarkyways: Sweet Dispositon by eitherxoro/snarkyways Fandom: AMERICAN IDOL 7 Pairing: David Cook/David Archuleta Music: Sweet Disposition by The Temper Trap Length: 2 minutes Vidder on LJ: snarkyways Vidder's Website: @ You Tube Why this must be watched: I am not sure I am coherent enough to write up a rec. I want to do a lot of capslocking with exclamation points but I'm not sure that would be much helpful. Let me say this: choosing just one of snarkyways videos is difficult and I finally decided on this one, her newest vid, because it chronicles FIVE YEARS of a friendship that was unlikely when Cook and Archuleta were together 24/7 for American Idol. There's a gorgeous mix of still photography, clips from American Idol, shots from their various press conferences together (including some beautiful shots from the Manila concert), new footage taken from Archie's vlogs and videos, and Cook's documentary that chronicles making his new album. The sheer joy when they talk about each other leaps into something almost otherworldly when they are on stage together and snarkyways captures the images, creates a cohesive narrative of their journey to and for each other, and basically, brings me to tears with each viewing. A simply amazing video that cannot be missed.
idol [x]
Want some candy, little fangirl? - VID REC: One Week by nel-ani: One Week by nel-ani. HAWAII FIVE-0 (2010) Pairing: Steve/Danny Music: One Week by Barenaked Ladies Length: 2:54 Vidder on LJ: nel_ani Vidder’s website: Vid tag on LJ Why this must be watched: This song is the perfect backdrop to all of Steve and Danny's arguments. Just look at the lyrics: How can I help it if I think you're funny when you're mad? Trying hard not to smile though I feel bad... ...I have a tendency to wear my mind on my sleeve I have a history of taking off my shirt And, well, we know who has a history of taking off his shirt. ♥ This is hilarious, and the clips she chose are perfect for the lyrics. It was made about halfway through season one, so there are lots of vintage Steve/Danny carguments in here. One of my favorite H50 vids!
hawaii50 [x]
The Crack Impala - Friday - Art/Vids/Icons/Misc: We Must Carry ILoveThesePeople on youtube | PG Give all of us gathered here tonight the strength to remember that life is so very fragile. We are all vulnerable, and we will all, at some point in our lives... fall. Painfully good, this vid manages to sum up death and life in SPN perfectly. It's like you're screaming, and no one can hear. bevwa | PG You almost feel...ashamed. That someone could be that important, that without them, you feel like nothing. Just a few sentences that utterly and completely sum up Sam and Dean and everything they are to each other.
spn [x]
Want some candy, little fangirl? - VID: McGeek by Mélanie: McGeek by Mélanie.NCIS Vidder: Mélanie Musical artist: Jimmy Eat World Character: McGee Vidder on LJ: N/A Vidder's website: You can find her vids by looking through the Fanart column on Team NCIS or you can check her out on You Tube Why this vid kicks ass: Even though I'm a Tony Gal, I have a huge soft spot for early season McGee. All baby-faced and wide-eyed and pouty-lipped, feeling overwhelmed and being petrified by Gibbs as well as the poor abused Probie for both Tony and Kate. This video sums up perfectly why I love young McGee so much, and I get nostalgic whenever I watch it. :) Mélanie is, hands down, the best vidder in this fandom, and I love every single one of her vids. But this one? I love just a wee bit more!
ncis [x]
Into the light of the dark black night... - SPN VID REC!: Totally late to the party, but in case anyone missed it first time around, quick SPN rec: 'Fallen' - ash48 - A farewell to Castiel through Dean's eyes. My favorite thing about this vid has become how it's a tribute of three season long character and yet it doesn't shy away from the brutal narrative that canon already provides. It's just such a wonderfully Dean way of looking at what happened. Cas learned free will from Sam and Dean, both the power of it to do good and the consequence of it to reek havoc. In that way it's a very no-holds-barred tribute. Honest. Nostalgic. Hurty. And illuminating of canon. Just the way I like my vids. :)
spn [x]
Want some candy, little fangirl? - VID REC: That's My Baby by vysila: That's My Baby by vysila. The Man from U.N.C.L.E. Musical artist: Yes Sir, That's My Baby by Frank Sinatra Pairing: Napoleon Solo / Illya Kuryakin Vidder on LJ: vysila Vidder's website: Here's her channel on YouTube Why this vid kicks ass: If you're on the lookout for a feel good video then look no further! Made for the muncle Wedding Challenge, vysila seamlessly incorporates clips from The Man from U.N.C.L.E., Hustle, NCIS, and The A-Team to tell the 40+ year story of our boys sticking it out together through thick and thin until they're finally allowed to make their union legal. Whee! This video never fails to have me grinning from ear-to-ear when I watch it. Enjoy!
muncle [x]
metallidean_grl - Quick thoughts about Dean: I want to highlight this vid I saw the other day. The song is The Toll by Black Rebel Motorcycle Club. (Never heard of them but this is a good song.) And the Vid by zimshan is entitled The Toll. The vid deals a good part with Lisa and Ben, which is something I am sure he is still feeling guilty about and burdening him, but it also highlights so many other things that Dean is feeling responsible and guilty for. This really truly highlights a lot of the reasons for Dean's pain, going all the way back to his mother, which is a long time to be holding on to all this stuff, and alot of the things that are eating away at him. Things that are definitely taking a TOLL on Dean's well being. Oh Dean. Talk to Sam, please????? Unload yourself and let it all go. Please????
spn [x]
Want some candy, little fangirl? - Vid: War Drums, by kinoksana (Serenity S): War Drums, by kinoksana (Serenity S) Fandom: SHERLOCK BBC Vidder: kinoksana (Serenity S) Musical artist: A Perfect Circle Character: John Watson Vidder's website: on YouTube Why this vid kicks ass: This takes Mycroft's assessment of John (You're not haunted by the war. You miss it.) as fact, and illustrates it darkly. I love the song choice, the deadly rattle, and the way Sherlock's interwoven in John's trauma. John's solution? Fine editing, to my non-vidder eye. War Drums
sherlock [x]
lamardeuse | *flaily mcflail*: Eeee, suzvoy has posted the most AWESOME Lewis vid, I Belong to You! I was lucky enough to get a look at it beforehand, and it is not only a fantastic exploration of James Hathaway and his many, many issues, it's also a gorgeous homage to Lewis and Hathaway's epic friendship/romance/whatever you wish to make of it! Go, watch, squee!
lewis [x]
elisi's humble abode - Random things.: Lovely ensemble Doctor Who vid (spoilers for all of S5 and 6) on youtube: Nara.
drwho [x]
Four things and a lizard - Anniversary Anticipation: Next month we celebrate 48 years of Doctor Who. I'm hoping someone will do a really good tribute video, but I very much doubt it will be as good as last year's winner.
drwho [x]
The Omnivorous Geek - doing it from pole to pole: tahirire shared this. It put the BIGGEST grin on my face, you have no idea. BOOYYYSSS. [safety dance]
spn [x]
elisi's humble abode - Vids recs and a little meta.: These are the vids that have made me flail recently. Divided according to topic. The Doctor Space Oddity by elderberryink. Summary: The Doctor's journey in S6. (Honestly I'm rather at a loss when it comes to describing this. It's like a masterclass in vidding... Everything - clips, cutting, editing, use of lyrics and music - everything is amazing. The sheer cleverness is very impressive, but it also has some truly outstanding emotional moments. I honestly can't see any vid telling his S6 story better.) Shake It Out by zanra. Summary: I like to keep my issues strong/It’s always darkest before the dawn. (This one is really more 'The Doctor + Team TARDIS'. It tracks the changes throughout S5 and 6, and how and why he has to 'die' in order to learn to live again... See comments for vidder's thoughts - they echo my own very much!) Doctor/River Astronaut by bloodypoetry. Summary: Is it enough to have some love? River Song and the Doctor and timey whimey relationships. Matches to Paper Dolls by xandra_ptv. Summary: 'Our book won't close.' River Song and the Doctor is like playing with fire, she destroyed time just to keep him alive. The City and the River by mirien3. Summary: Two centuries, since I first saw you weave, like a dancer, 'round my heart. (Gorgeous, gorgeous vids about my OTP. <3) Amy and River Pond Girls by mirien3. Summary: Like mother, like daughter... (So HBIC I can't even...)
drwho [x]
sometimes you need a story - SPN Vid rec: So there I was, sure I'd reached the serene point of feeling no feelings for SPN, and then ash48 posted the Castiel vid she'd been hinting to me about for a while, saying she was making it for me. SO MUCH FOR FEELINGS NO FEELINGS. It wrecked me. Fallen by ash48. It's a tribute to Castiel, & not necessarily a farewell vid. It's sad, and yet not, it looks at his strengths and his flaws, his friendship with Sam and Dean, and is an exploration of Dean's grief, and through that lens, how many Castiel fans have been feeling as well, how loved this character is.
spn [x]
Diary of an Evil Genius - SPN vid rec - Fallen, by ash48: ash48 has broken my heart. She has made the most GORGEOUS Castiel tribute vid, showing not only how much he's done for the Winchesters over the years and how much he's come to mean to them, but also how perfect the metaphor of the folding-of-the-trenchcoat was, symbolizing the folding of the flag at a soldier's funeral. *sniffle* It is beautiful. You should watch it. Beware of season 7 spoilers, of course.
spn [x]
the library of babel - This is Oxford, everything means something in Latin.: So I have been watching...rather a lot of Lewis lately, and even noodling at some fic, and now lamardeuse has neatly summed up the reasons why in this vid of great adorableness. Just look at their ridiculous faces! Also, it's set in Oxford, which turns out to be the second most dangerous place in Britain (behind Midsomer, which is, after all, an entire county) - I actually calculated at one point how many more series of Lewis it would take before there was no one left alive there at all, and the good news is, it's a lot. Cambridge: not nearly so murdery, for some reason.
lewis [x]
The Crack Impala - Friday - Vids/Art/Icons/Misc.: Hell House rumrouz | PG-13 | Evil!Winchesters Winchesters have been killed in this house. Since then, anyone who enters never comes out... If you love evil!Winchesters, check this out. Great editing and hot, psycho boys! :D. Haust secretlytodream | Rating | Warnings or other notes. Come on, Sam. Don't you know what's real? Dean, 7x02. Painful and haunting, the vidder gives us an intensely personal and vivid look at Sam's psyche from 7.02.
spn [x]
stultiloquentia: BZOMG WANT!: Glósóli, purplefringe and such_heights' amazing Doctor Who vid. I am always going to be a sucker for stories about stories, and this one clamours and whooshes and soars. That's a fairytale. Aren't we all?
drwho [x]
elisi's humble abode - My birthday came early! \o/: A while ago I mentioned how awesome it would be to have a Doctor/River vid set to 'The World Is Not Enough' (perfect song is perfect), and then, a few days ago, the lovely niyalune messaged me saying that she had made one and would I like to beta it? *cue incoherent delight* And now it is all finished and you should all go watch it: The World Is Not Enough Summary: And if you're strong enough, together we can take the world apart, my love.... River and the Doctor's relationship, across time and space. Characters: River, Eleven, ( + Ten, Mels). Spoilers: Up to and including the S6 finale ♥ ♥ ♥
drwho [x]
elisi's humble abode - <3: There are lots of pretty new vids, but I shall leave the reccing of those for another day, and now just point you towards a delightful vid which I forgot to rec when I first found it (which was very bad of me). It celebrates all of New Who, and if you need to remember all the brilliance we've been given since the show returned, this is your vid. Spoilers up to 6.04: Galaxies by niyalune. Summary : A tribute to the awesomeness of the Doctor and his friends. Characters : Nine, Ten, Eleven, Rose, Mickey, Jack, Sarah Jane, Martha, Donna, River, Amy, Rory, the Tardis, and the Universe
drwho [x]
juniperphoenix | Two recs: Doctor Who vid and OTW meta: Glósóli, a new Doctor Who vid by purplefringe and such_heights that encompasses all of S5 and S6. In the vidders' words, this is a vid about the fairytale adventure that is Doctor Who, a journey of self-discovery down the rabbit hole, through the looking glass, into the wardrobe - a quest for identity throughout all of time and space. It's beautiful and powerful.
drwho [x]
elisi's humble abode - ♥ ♥ ♥: I then came home and discovered that such_heights and purplefringe had created a MAGICAL vid that you should ALL WATCH! Glósóli summary: That's a fairytale. Aren't we all? notes: spoilers for all of DW S6. This show! Oh this show. It just glows. It is beautiful and magical and absolutely, truly, a fairytale. And the metaphors... Oh those metaphors. I can't even. Just watch the vid. ♥
drwho [x]
Supernatural Vid Recs - Insta! vid rec:: (I NEEDED this vid right now...) Vid Name Goddamit Vidder sockkpuppett (aka Luminosity) Song/Artist: Goddamit by The Headstones Genre: Action, character study Why you’re reccing the vid: Dear Mr Dean Winchester, If you are in doubt about how goddam awesome you are you NEED to watch this vid. Love Me. PS: The vid is as wonderfully badass as you are. <33
spn [x]
denyce | gakked from xanthe vids Dr Who: Not my fandoms, still I thoroughly enjoyed both vids. Now if a few of my fav fandom shows did something similar I'd be over the moon - those they do should tweet Jared & Chris K the links and make the suggestion *nods*
drwho [x]
keewick - Vid recs: I watched 2 awesome HP vids in the past week that compelled me to climb out of my lurker's coccoon for just long enough to post a pair of drive-by recs. Disarm by obsessive24 is the Harry/Draco vid I've been waiting for someone to vid. I should've known Nicky would be the one to deliver on that front. How You Survived the War by cest_what explores how the Malfoys' bad faith ways guarantee their survival. I liked how the lyrics take on a different tone for me depending on which member of the family is front and center. When it's Draco, I hear his helplessness and fear coming through loud and clear. When it's Lucius, lyrics like 'you get back to the wall and put your hands up' lose all sincerity and instead slippery opportunism makes its presence known. And lastly when it's Narcissa, the tone shifts to a calculating, cunning POV as if, unlike the other two, she really has thought it through. As a Draco fan, what I liked most about this vid was how it really highlights his passivity. I commented to the vidder that I kinda dug that his character's strength was in *not acting* at several key points. I felt like we learned more about Draco in the end by what he wouldn't do than by all he'd said in the 6 previous books combined. Anyway, if you're a fan of any of the Malfoys, this is a vid you might want to check out.
harrypotter [x]
Contrariwise - And now for a musical Doctor interlude: It's not JUST a silly Doctor Who vid. It is in fact a behind-the scenes music video with various permutations of the 10th Doctor's cast (and guest stars), as well as production crew, all lip-synching to The Proclaimers 500 Miles (it is revealed later in the video that Tennant is an enormous Proclaimers fan -- if you can't tell from listening to the song, they are Scottish -- and then it makes ever so much more sense). Really, if you don't watch this and get an enormous smile on your face, I don't know what to do with you.
drwho [x]
Pinboard: URL page for http://thedeadparrot.livejournal.com/510383.html: What the Water Gave Me 4 bookmarks. first posted by forsakethesea 29 days ago. descriptions the vid to go with that merman story. my god. (amaaaazing) nehellania The vid that accompanies fuzzy-paint's the other side (is always greener). I watched this first, loved it for its stunning beauty and way with metaphor, read the notes, read the fic, and have now watched it close to ten times. thedeadparrot is one of the best vidders I have ever seen, and this is FUCKING EXTRAORDINARY, also, hell, did Florence read the other side when she was writing that song? I can't. It's perfect. blottingtheink vid based on the merman!eduardo fic the other side (is always greener) and you know it works because i didn't read any of the notes before pressing play, but within five seconds i knew it was a related project. totally killer vid, really heart-stopping. forsakethesea
socialnework [x]
Pinboard: URL page for http://vimeo.com/27607762: Stereo Hearts - Mike x Harvey on Vimeo 8 bookmarks. first posted by wearemany 10 weeks ago. descriptions Really wonderful use of the lyrics of the song and promo footage. sparkly_unicorns I've watched this, like, ten times. Really skillfully edited. jamiemay 3:11 mins. Fun and shiny and not all spoilery and anything. chaoticallyclev 3:11 minutes. Good recruiter for the fandom; not spoilery. A fun, breezy vid that makes the characters look appealing. silviakundera [This vid got me into Suits, something everything else had completely failed to do.] thatspotonthe_t this is fun and ridiculous and the blend of promo footage and show content is soooo seamless. this show. wearemany
suits [x]
[some kind of title] - vid recs:: Iron Man: Let It Rock by mranderson71 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: Blue Caravan by kaydeefalls Underworld: Dragula by thedothatgirl
movie ironman This is an inclusive newsletter: I attempt to include all of the vid recs that are publicly posted. It is not, however, exhaustive. If you have suggestions for particular communities or journals to watch (especially ones that use tags) or have specific links to share, please let us know.