Today was great! I was lying when I said I had power... cuz like the next day it went out, but it's all good agian. Brandon came over today. It was really good for the most part. Bad things with mom like: •Didn't like my outfit >.<;; eep! She bought the shirt fo rme I think it's cute
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That moment... It was a glorious moment. 2:58P.M - Cypress Lakes neighborhood gets... PHONE AND POWER! WEEEE!!!! *school girl scream* Oh my God. Me and Jess Mau almost cried. I hugged Sanjana and we ran down the block screaming. The block even had a "Thanksgiving for power" Turkey, potatoes, the whole speel. How sad is that? It was
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So yesterday I went to the mall with Brandon. I was so happy and accomplished. He got stuff done, I got stuff done, we saw: Jackie, Manny, Kristen, Eddison, Jessie May, Mrs. Kirkwood, and Deigo. I got
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Yep. Color/pep rally day. Another day of insanity at CGHS. FUn fun. It was funny tohugh to see how funny everyone dressed. Haha! BUt anyway, I sorta decided to randomly update cuz i know i od'nt do that much anymore, but who reads this anyway? I still wanna read about yuor guys' lives. I really do. I usde to be the biggest ocmment whore.
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- On a lighter note - •I've been a little perkier lately. I've been so distracted from my thoughts, well, sorta. Still never leave the house. I'm always busy, and when I'm not busy, I'm sleeping and or on the phone. I need a life... sorta
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Yep... I'm so darn stressed cuz I don't do anything anymore cuz I have no motivation and I have so much to do and I'm upset about other things and I hate the world population now and I asked Brandon how bleach tasted and *scream* Sorry I ahven't called many people. I still love you guys I swear I really do. I've been so creative with drawing and
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Brought by the not-so-popular demands of Amanda, Kyle, and Sarah... here is my crappy poem. Amanda loved it but I'm so critic on my writting. ( Guardian Angel )