Title: Ode to Optophobia, or: Ten Men That Loved Annie Edison (11/19)
Author: veryspecial0ne
Rating: R for the whole series, to be safe.
Word count: ~2000 for this installment, ~28,900 for the series thus far.
Disclaimer: I have now been tweeted by both Dan Harmon and Alison Brie. I'm pretty sure that's the closest I'll ever come to having any
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Comments 17
I know you mentioned finding it hard to write the Study Group but I think you did a pretty good job considering Abed seems like one of the hardest characters to write out of all of them.
I really, really hope you keep up with your proposed blitz - I am quite excited to have a chapter to come home to each day!
Although I'm hardcore Annie/Jeff I do still think that Annie and Abed would make a cute couple and I reckon she gets him a little more than the others (except maybe Jeff, and or Troy but their relationship sometimes is just plain weird!)
I'm really interested to hear Abed's take on the engagement :)
Well done, really enjoyed this.x
Of course, Annie and Abed do now have their complications...possibly. When I was mapping out this story I did consider trying to tackle this past summer for this chapter, as in the weeks following the Han/Leia kiss, but the whole thing scared me too much, haha.
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