In the last two years I've spent exactly two months staying put. This is something I've been moping about for the last week, but today was a good day - I don't have to wake up at six to shoot the breakfast buffet, and my hosts lit the lobby floor on fire - so I'm looking at the bright side. I had pizza for dinner, sipped a $5 coke at a cafe by
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Here are the original Teddy Bear Picnic lyrics from eighteenth century Prussia - rewritten as the watered down favorite of generations of children a century later
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Having been lax about updating, I figured I'd get around to at least putting up my emails. I'll email all about Turkey one of these days. And NY, Philadelphia, Florida, Cancun, Moab, LA, Texas, and Portland. Maybe
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Leaving Sary Tash (where we failed to meet a single one of the many resident thieves we had been warned about by the Russian butterfly expedition we had met the previous day,) we were followed by the frantic cries of children "Bye bye tourist! Bye bye tourist!" We climbed the day's first peak along a road guarded by large, ill-proportioned statues
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Irkeshtam is where boxcars go to die. Praying we wouldn't get a flat as we rolled our bikes over the twisted scrapmetal ground cover, we passed through the little trailer park of Irkeshtam looking for a guesthouse. Nothing. So we turned around and passed through it again. Nothing. Eternally hopefull, we were on our third round when a teenager
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