Title: Boredom
Author: vfic83
Rating: PG
Fandom: Hikaru No Go
Pairings: One-sided Kaga/Tsutsui
Length: Word Perfect says 200
Disclaimer: Hikaru No Go, unfortunately, definitely does not belong to me.
Spoilers: None
Summary: Kaga is very easily distracted.
Warnings: I don't think there are any, besides that Kaga curses a lot. But that kind of goes without saying.
A/N: This is part 4 of the drabbles for
ai_ling. The shortest of the ones I've written, but more will be coming, as this wants to grow up into a fic.
*EDIT* "Full" version now
Fuck. What the hell am I doing?
That, unfortunately, remains to be seen. Kaga's actually sitting in class, for some reason he still doesn't get, and instead of leaning back and looking bored, his gaze keeps drifting over to the other side of the room.
God, doesn't that kid ever relax?
No. No. He's not thinking about that. He's not thinking about how Tsutsui looks right now, frantically scribbling down what the teacher's saying like it actually matters, his forehead a little wrinkled from the effort of writing and listening at the same time. And he's definitely not thinking about the face the other boy would make if he went over there and shoved his tongue into Tsutsui's mouth-
Fuck this, I need a cigarette.
Kaga's hot and horny as hell and blushing, and he doesn't blush, god damn it. So he gets up and starts to leave. He pays no attention to the teacher, who's sputtering and telling him to get back into his seat, as if, but he can't stop himself from giving the quiet boy on the other side of the room a quick wink before making his exit.