Katy Perry is usually hit or miss for me. However, I like this song very much and the meaning behind it (very different to what I'm used to in Perry's lyrics)
I got my braces today (upper side) and now I have to learn how to eat... again. O.o I'm scared that those things might suddenly snap if I chew the wrong thing, or that food will get stuck somewhere where I can't clean. I know. I'm paranoid but after all I went through during this month for this mouth, I'm very close to be traumatized for life.
I usually don't read manga that much, but I just discovered this gem. It's a Korean manga (or manhwa) called "Bride of the Water God" by Mi-Kyung Yun
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Could someone please explain to me how in the world correspondence from the US is shipped to Frankfurt, Germany, to be shipped back to its final destination in the American continent? O.o
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Why are you still sore and pulling? I feel as if something is dragging my head down from the teeth whenever I triy to raise said head. You're supposed to have the stitches out tomorrow. Please cooperate. I don't want yet another week of liquid diet and speaking as if someone just punched the daylights out of me.
I feel like a cook. I've been in the kitchen since 11am today. I made two banana breads (one of which will use tomorrow in barbecue) and an Italian roll with ham and cheese.