Oct 15, 2005 12:40
last night i got too rild... the end.
Aug 17, 2005 23:09
man... i feel like i am just wasting time. whatever, i don't even know why i write on this retarded thing. i don't want anyone to comment. i just want to say kind of what i feel , but why would i want people to know that? conclusion... life is a big waste of time until you get to where you are going. in the ground.
Aug 13, 2005 15:09
Aug 11, 2005 22:56
when i'm thirty... it doesn't matter where i am or who i've become as long as i'm with you.
Aug 02, 2005 17:02
if someone made a cheese flavored soft drink... would you drink it?
Jul 29, 2005 06:33
um... birthday party at josh sampieri's house. anyone can come. it's saturday. yes, tomorrow. call me before 3:30 saturday if you want anything. (256) 478-6258. i'm getting another phone today. i'll post the new number. both will have service so call either one.