While I like the idea of summer, as far as its not snowing any more and tends to be nice enough outside to do things. I however do not like humidity, nor when it gets much above say 80 temperature wise. So my love of summer has a very narrow band of agreeable weather to it haha.
Just because you, or someone you are conversing with, is into what some might deem as an "Alternative Lifestyle" does not mean that manners and things are checked at the door (be it literal, or digital
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I would feel more sorry for all those who were complaining about HBOGo's issues last weekend if most of those I talked to actually were subscribers to HBO and not just freeloading off friends/family members/shiftless hobos who they know's accounts
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It is nice to have a functioning laptop once again, it is hard to conduct one's online life exclusively from work without raising too many eyebrows to "proper use of time" and "not really proper to be discussing that at work" issues and the such
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Well that was a more prolonged absence from posting here then I had intended. One of those "life just gets in the way" kinda few months with some family issues (hospitalization of an elderly relative to be exact, takes a toll on one) and also some technical issues (computer went "boom" so I had been limping along with work and the library
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So guess the "I will just wait till the weekend to rake all the leaves up and get most of them at one time" plan might not work out too well, the two solid days of rain can't be making those leaves any lighter, or wanting to really be raked up.
Yes, as it now stands that is the bulk of my weekend plans. Hopefully that will change, we shall see.
Figured I would suggest to anyone who actually is near me, and reading this, that they should swing by tonight for some hockey and beer!
Or just beer if you feel the need to come by after 9:30. Since I do know a good deal of you lurker types who don't want to add me but just like to eavesdrop here and keep tabs on me.