Well, here we are... New Year's Eve 2005 soon to be 2006. I'm not big on going out for New Year's but I do wish I had a drink or two to tide me over. Hell, I'd settle for a wine cooler right about now
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I haven't been online for a day or two and when I get back on, low and behold... DC put up my banner. Thank you, girlfriend. :-) You rock
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Today I went to the International Mall in Tampa. It took two hours to get there and twenty five minutes to get back. So... I got a little lost on the way. Lost in Tampa without a map. I ASSUMED there'd be signs announcing the mall when I got close. WRONG
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Welcome to my LJ! I'm not quite sure what I'm doing yet, (DC lured me in, she's fun that way) but hopefully I'll get the hang of it and update and join in soon.