Jun 27, 2011 04:54
brain benders arent to be watched when one has a bad headache! i liked it, at its core its a touching film about love and choices blah blah-and i also thought jared did a great job and his old man voice was good (which is not what id been led to believe...). it was visually amazing to...
May 17, 2011 13:33
As a werewolf fan it made a nice change but it was criminal they under used the two best actors! Still at least tom felton was alive at end-sequel ! Lol
Feb 09, 2010 06:21
colin farrels new baby could you please share?
Oct 31, 2008 05:48
hope everyone has way more fun then i will lol
however,on a somber note please take time to think about river phoenix and the tragic loss his family endured at this time,and which they then have to go through every year...