It’s tough to be a Rose fan these days. After reading some posts labeling Rose Tyler as “a dumb blonde”, a “chavvy dumb blonde shopgirl”, or arguing that Rosefen don’t love Rose as a character and view her only as an appendage to the Doctor, I decided to write this to offer a different viewpoint. One of the fun (or not so fun, depending on your
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Comments 82
They are jealous of her. Why? Because the Doctor actually loved her. Its that insane fangirl notion of hating the female character that the character YOU fancy likes. It happens all the time in anime, movies, fiction (example, how many girls hate Ginny Weasley, not because of the character but because of who she ends up with?).
I for one, love Rose, her character, her history, and her growth. She's just an absolute doll!
Btw, you may want to check this out:
These are only the initial guests, but not a bad start! If you can go, we still have room at our hotel (the con hotel).
I love her too. <3
Dude! Graeme Harper is coming! I love him! =D
That said I would like to say to the OP that this was some pretty fantastic meta. It's great that you can list all the reasons you love a character without having to trash another one (it's one of the things I hate about fandom at the moment - we've always got to bring someone down before we can raise someone else up, and that's just not right).
No matter how strong Rose appears to be, I’m sure she’s been hurt by criticism in the past.
And she's even stronger for coming away from it still believing she can do better. When you hear it from your own mother, it can be difficult to ignore.
You have to have charisma, the ability to get people to see your viewpoint, and the guts to take a stand in the first place, regardless of the consequences. Rose Tyler had that at 15 years old.
That's a good point, I never really made the connection between the choir thing but you're so right. Bet she's in charge over at Torchwood!
Was this a wise choice? Seeing how it ended in tears and in debt, probably not. But at least she took a chance instead of wondering what might have been.And the fact that she makes the choice is always good. Rose never lets other people tell her what's best for her and making the occasional mistake is a good thing. She learned something from the Jimmy experience (at ( ... )
Hehe, it's only 5:00 PM over here in Florida! =D
And the fact that she makes the choice is always good. Rose never lets other people tell her what's best for her and making the occasional mistake is a good thing. She learned something from the Jimmy experience (at minimum she learned not to give her money to 20 year old musicians!) and she can move on, but she always does what is right by her.
And I really respect her for it. It's so brave to do things like that at an early age (i.e. making decisions for yourself, and being strong enough to learn from them without letting them break you).
I also love the fact that she's not perfect right from the start. It takes her time to accept the aliens and she has the very same prejudice against Gwyneth many people do about her! (Lack of schooling) But when she's wrong about something, she picks up on that and learns from it. She realises that Gwyneth isn't stupid because she only went to school ( ... )
Oh yes, I love Rose for this. She doesn't have a list of "good personality traits" and "bad personality traits", she's Rose. She's always impulsive, sometimes that's good and sometimes that's bad. And that's so real.
Then we come to what the crux of what Rose Tyler’s character is to me: how important the ability to choose her fate is to her. Rose is constantly doing things on her own terms.And that's probably part of why Doomsday was so heartbreaking. Out of the Doctor's control and so completely not her choice ( ... )
Gah, exactly! She's just Rose. That's what I love about her. There was a great quote I read somewhere that says, "Falling in love with someone isn't about seeing someone as perfect, it's seeing someone imperfect perfectly."
I do really want Rose and the Doctor to have a chance at "forever" because IMO it does fit best with both of their characters arcs as seen so far. I just don't know if we'll see that in canon! ;-)
Oh, me too! I would love to have them go off in the sunset together. I just don't want her sacrificed on the BAFTA Alter so we can see David Tennant cry again. xD
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