sometimes, when i'm sitting quietly, i have these vague 'memories' or thought flashes of some sort. usually of like someone telling me something. but, i don't know if it's a real memory, or if it's something i've dreamed
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Through Vote Pairing, Green Party members, Independents, Libertarians and others sympathetic to the David Cobb, Ralph Nader and Michael Badnarik candidacies in swing states register their personal decision to vote for Kerry-Edwards while Democrats in safe states
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The pumpkin carving party was a raving success. I have lots of great pictures to share. I think the only thing I'd do differently was rather than just handing out those cute felt bags I made as pinata bags...I'm going to put goodies in them first so that every single kid could get a 'prize' for their pumpkins. We had children and adult
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i found the perfect gift for steve. the dvd set of the secret life of machines. he loved that show. the one i distinctly remember...thinking it was way cool...was when he explained how fax machines worked. and this was back when you dialed into the fax machine at like 1200 baud. yeesh
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As a mom, and someone who's just creeping up there...older and older, I think birthdays should be celebrations of the people who actually pushed and strained and brought us onto this earth. I mean really...what did WE do on our actual "birth" day?