Name: Duckie
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AIM: AmethystDuckie
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Full Name: Cordelia Chase
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel: The Series
Age: 19
From When?: After the end of Season One in Angel: The Series
Physical Description/PB: Charisma Carpenter
Temporal Link:
Cordelia's favorite pair of designer heels... Personal History:
here, and
Personality: Cordelia has come a ways from her cruel and spiteful days at Sunnydale High School. Though she still acts as she pleases, she also has very recently begun to feel compassion in her heart. It's just the beginnings of a new feeling for her, but it's compelling enough that Cordelia is willing to give the whole vision thing time if it means she's able to help stop the suffering she witnessed when under Vocah's curse.
Make no mistake though, this is Cordelia Chase. She still loves shoes, shopping, and everything glamorous. Appearances still matter to Cordelia if for no other reason than they've been integral to her identity for so long. The burn she felt when her friends in High School turned on her, the feeling of punishment she carried with her after her many unsuccessful months in L.A., took their toll on "keeping up" with those who, in time, she will start to realize hardly matter. For now though, it's a relief to have a job, even if she has to fudge the details on it, a gorgeous apartment, and the occasional new pair of shoes to call home about. Though she has distanced herself from Sunnydale, she certainly doesn't want rumors flying about among her old popular friends that she is anything less than successful.
Still the same Cordy in some ways, she says things without thinking, usually pretty tactless things, and tends to have very little filter from what pops in her mind to what she says. Many people who meet her find Cordy to be abrasive, pushy, and far too opinionated for her own good. Cordelia sometimes finds herself in messy situations, even with the average human, because she is quick to fire off just what she thinks of someone. Her comments aren't always meant to be mean, though sometimes they are, she just has a penchant for being blunt.
Coupled with this is a lack of patience. Patience with people, patience with time, patience with most things can be a challenge for her and make her challenging to deal with for others. Cordelia wants instant gratification and isn't a fan of long hours reading dusty books and longer hours spent searching out materials for rituals and spells. Flighty, and sometimes dismissive, it can be a task getting Cordelia to assist with things she's either unskilled with or uninterested in. And if one is thinking of stroking her ire to see her famous temper? Don't. Cordelia will absolutely rip anyone a new one if given the motivation and opportunity.
Confidence has become Cordelia's middle name since coming to L.A. Finally remembering herself, that she wasn't some lousy cry-Buffy, when casting Dennis' ghostly mother from her home, the self-loathing that she first experienced in L.A. is fading. The old Cordy, one who didn't take anything being dealt from anyone is firmly intact once more.
Headstrong and proud, Cordelia will no longer be intimidated. Growing up on a hellmouth teaches a girl how to stand up for herself and living in L.A. has shown her that if you don't fight you might end up dead. Cordelia has no problems confronting monsters and sometimes even goes so far as to antagonize them by mouthing off. Try as they might, the other two members of Angel Investigations have a hard time keeping her from making some situations worse, especially when Cordelia insists on being allowed to tag along.
Though she hated the visions and their accompanying pain for some time, being cursed to witness the horrors on earth for hours and hours has humbled her. Cordelia Chase has begun to realize she's not the only human being on earth worth something. She's at a juxtaposition now, wanting to help those in need but still dreading the pain that always comes when the vision is done. She isn't the greatest fighter, the greatest researcher, or the greatest computer typist, but now Cordelia can offer them what Doyle had before: the path to those in need. Moreover, she's willing to.
Who would have thought that she, Queen C, would ever have have looked forward to working strange hours out of her apartment with her colleagues? Though it's a very new feeling, wanting to help others besides herself, Cordelia is trying to keep herself firmly on the path. Cordelia is finally understanding loyalty, to friends, to a cause, and it's setting her up for paradigm changes as she continues to grow in her role within Angel Investigations.
Non-Supernatural/Non-Superhuman Skills: Cordelia fancies herself an actress but is awful at it, and isn't very good at being a receptionist either. But don't be fooled, she's a great friend and incredibly loyal. She can even kick a little butt in her right.
Supernatural/Superhuman Powers: As mentioned above, Cordelia has prophetic visions of the short-term future. She serves as a link to the "Powers That Be" and receives images of people in trouble and trouble about to happen.
Power Limitations: Cordelia's powers already come with a hindrance. At this point in her canon, the visions are slowly destroying her mortal brain. I am happy to come up with something additional though, depending on mod preference.
First-Person Writing Sample:
I've been here for less than a week and I already can't stand this place. Never mind the fact that you can't get ANYWHERE without getting lost, it's devoid of anything useful like shops.
Yeah, my clothes are all here but, really? You expect me to keep wearing the same things season after season? A girl's gotta have what's current, not old and tired, thankyouverymuch.
Seriously Angel, if you somehow know where I am, you better move your ass and get on doing that rescuing thing buddy! If Wesley is slacking on figuring this out, we are so going to have words when I get back. And by words I mean he'll stand there and listen or there will be hell to pay.
Third-Person Writing Sample:
An early evening at home was exactly what Cordelia needed her rotten day. At about oh three in the afternoon or so she was wracked with a vision for the ages. Doyle was in it, in pain. The vision was almost like a dream in length, all long glimpses of her lost friend suffering. Sometimes it was his groans that echoed in her skull, sometimes it was the sound of things crashing around him. Each impact sent pain through Cordelia's entire body. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity but surely wasn't very long at all, she regained her senses.
Angel had rushed to her side immediately, getting really skilled with the whole catching her before she fell routine. Once the pain subsided though, he was surprised to find not the usual exhausted Cordy. No, she was angry. How dare The Powers that be taunt her! It had been months since Doyle's demise and they decided to send her flash backs now? Now, just when Cordelia was finally starting to let go of the 'what if' feeling. How would she ever get over the guy if they sent her visions of him every time she tried??
Trying to busy herself after the vision was pointless. Cordelia's head ached, she was upset, unhappy, and generally miserable. Eventually, Angel took pity on her and encouraged her home. It bothered him to see her hurting, especially after everything she'd been through. Just a year ago she was cheerleading in Sunnydale. Now, she had migraines the likes of which no human could comprehend nearly daily, complete with images and the need to help the helpless. They waited just until dusk set in before he drove her home.
Once inside, it was all Cordelia could do not to burst into tears. And when Dennis made the mistake of offering a tissue box? She lost it. Sitting on her couch, Cordelia sobbed until her head hurt unbearably. Her life was awful! Sure she had a great apartment, a job (no matter how weird it was), and even helped people... But Cordelia felt like Doyle was everywhere she turned. In her apartment he picked, in their office. Even in those stupid visions he left her with!
"ARGH. Dennis this sucks!" she said with a stuffy nose.
Additional Comments: None.
Bonus Question: How did you hear about The Long Now? From Stephy, who plays Sookie and the 11th Doctor here.