Title: My Love Author: vixenfreya Pairing: akame Genre: angst Rating: PG Disclaimer: I own nothing… Summary: “I love you,” I whisper as I hold his hand close to my heart.
Oh plz Jin, make him fall over head in love with you to the point that he won't be able to live without you. but you must promise that if ever you succeed, you will forever take good care of that heart! ^-^
Even though I'm really angry with Kame for using Jin, I still pity him. He's just another heartbroken guy... But Jin, shit, I FEEL SO SAD. I mean, the person he loves is using him, but yet he didn't care because he love Kame too much. Oh God. Dumb. Blinded by love. But I really really hope this works out. I mean their relationship.
If not I'LL POKEEEEEEE YOU. Haha, no worries, just kidding. :P Please finish and update the sequel soon~
though i understand kame, i still feel sad on what he had done... and yeah... we will definitely love jin in this... so selfless and caring and he loves kame so damn much... we'll work things out... *wink *wink
LOL i'll update as soon as possible... thanks for reading! =]
Comments 26
Oh plz Jin, make him fall over head in love with you to the point that he won't be able to live without you. but you must promise that if ever you succeed, you will forever take good care of that heart! ^-^
he is so much in love with kazu ne?
and i'll bet when kazu realize that he'll love jin back...
thanks for reading! =]
It's well written :DDDDD
Even though I'm really angry with Kame for using Jin, I still pity him.
He's just another heartbroken guy...
But Jin, shit, I FEEL SO SAD.
I mean, the person he loves is using him, but yet he didn't care because he love Kame too much.
Oh God. Dumb. Blinded by love.
But I really really hope this works out. I mean their relationship.
Haha, no worries, just kidding. :P
Please finish and update the sequel soon~
i'm glad you like this..
though i understand kame, i still feel sad on what he had done... and yeah... we will definitely love jin in this... so selfless and caring and he loves kame so damn much...
we'll work things out... *wink *wink
i'll update as soon as possible...
thanks for reading! =]
Poor star-cross'd lovers...
Hope Jin can heal poor Kazu...
lets pray for a happy ever after.. *wink
thanks for reading! =]
jinjiiiiiiiiin (´・ω・`)
i really wanna hug him right now!
i know you're expert at making POV! XD ♥
i hope i won't disappoint you in the next update...
thanks for reading! =]
dont give up,Jin,,
thx for the update ^0^
*hugs* thanks for reading! =]
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