Joker? I didn't know this was Batman..

Jun 13, 2008 00:08

Before you can continue, please link to three other applications you voted on recently.

1) Hi Miss Alice
2) Ippen Shiden Miru?
3) Nipah~

Now let's begin!

Name: Tara/SailorUniverse/Hotaru/Chibi/Zampy, Call me whatever you shall
Gender: Female, though I feel out of place in this gender, but I don't know if I would make a great male either. I think being neither gender would work best for me, but sadly that is not an option.
Age Nineteen

Section I --- About Yourself

Favorite color: I can say it's become an honest tie between baby blue and blood red (fits my oxymoron personality).

You love: I have a like for a vast number of anime and manga. I also enjoy nature, sleeping, dreaming, daydreaming, collecting (i.e. porcelain dolls, plush dolls, cards, coins, shells, old money, beanie babies etc.), taking on challenges, reading, writing, listening to others, playing video games, learning (from little known facts to the history of World War II), listening to music (all kinds, from classical to metal), dancing (preferably by myself), poetry, novels, sunsets, sunrises, animals, different view points on a single subject, Biology, crimes and the investigations surrounding them, mysteries, vampires (obviously), fantasy, the unknown, and older television shows (i.e. The Twilight Zone).

You hate: I hate ignorant people, laziness, poorly done work, narrow-mindedness, having information kept from me when I have a right to know, shortness, alcoholics, people who think the world revolves completely around them, drowsiness, crying, cold weather (unless snow is involved), large amounts of hair on anywhere else on my body besides the head, sickness of any kind, my things being moved without my knowing or consent, being blamed for something I did not do, being told the same thing repeatedly, incorrect grammar, people who have no opinion of their own, people who steal other people's hard work and claim it as their own, and being disappointed. I also have a problem with change, since it normally effects me in a negative way.

Good qualities you think you have: I have a good sense of judgment, and have a knack for problem solving (or figuring out the ending of a movie/novel before it's revealed). I am willing to try many things, and have a strong will and determination. When I am set on a task, I refuse to give up. I am a good listener, and offer the best advice I can when someone asks for it. I have many far-out dreams, but my focus in reality is clear and unwavering.

Bad qualities you think you have: I have a low level of self-confidence in myself. I beat myself up for little things, and will sometimes become depressed. Although I try to be positive, I have a habit of seeing things from a negative standpoint. I have a short fuse that is lighted quite easily. I become frustrated when things go out of my control. Whenever I become sick, I remain sick for long periods of time. I also have digestive problems which interfere with my daily life. I have been told I am a paradox, which I would agree with. I'm also very paranoid.

If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? One thing? How about a handful? Okay, one thing, one thing... I would say somehow lessen my paranoia. I'm a very paranoid person who has issues trusting others. However, this is not limited to trust. I feel as if whenever I am in a public place, all eyes are on me, judging me, and possibly pondering ways to eliminate my existence. I need to sanitize/wash my hands many times a day for I fear I will develop a strong sickness. Although I prefer being alone, it heightens my fears and I find it difficult to go many places. I'm not afraid of death, it's more along the lines of the afterlife. I fear after I'm dead, there will be nothing. That my beliefs were wasted, and the idea of a "soul" is only a myth. Some of these fears I possess affect my outlook on life and sometimes even affect me physically. So, it would do me a world of good if I could learn either how to control them or lessen them to a degree. I believe it is important to be cautious (for being completely fearless can make you a fool), but there's a difference between being careful and being nearly paralyzed by fear.

Section II

Are you outgoing or shy? I'm rather shy, especially around new people. My fears play back into this, but I also observe those who are new in my life. I try to "feel them out", trying to conclude if this person is really this person or just putting on a clever facade.
Kind or mean? Despite my short fuse, I am a kind person. I try to be there for my loved ones, and although I carry a lot of hatred in my heart I try to help those I can.
Gentle or rough? This can really depends, actually. I'm gentle when I need to be and rough when I need to be. I attempt to show I'm not a weakling, but also not someone to be feared (unless I hate the person, and want them to fear me).
Mature or immature Despite my love for plushies and cute, childish things, I am a mature person. I can be a bit immature around my friends, but I much prefer being mature and taking things seriously.
Careful or impulsive? If you couldn't tell by now, I am very careful. I do not rush into things, and weight my options carefully before jumping into a situation.
Do you prefer solitude or being with a big group of people? Much prefer being solitude. People make me nervous for I can never really know what they're thinking. Also, being alone helps me gain confidence in my own abilities and I trust my own judgment more than the judgment of others.
Do you get jealous easily? Another weak point of mine. I envy the talents, possessions, abilities, etc. of others. I wish for their happiness, their wealth, their close family, their peace of mind, etc.
Are you patient or impatient? It depends. I have been known to be one of the most patient people, yet there are other times (especially in recent years) where even waiting a moment longer can drive me mad.

Section III-- Put yourself in the world of Vampire Knight.

How would you choose to "eliminate" your enemies if you had any? If I had a grudge against them, I would try to harm them in the same way they harmed me. For example, my mother has put me through a lot of mental abuse and drives me mad with her eternal denial. If I was to seek my revenge, I would do it over a long period of time, and inflict as much harm as I could on her being on par with the amount she put on me over the years.

Would you use someone in order to get what you want? I don't enjoy using others because I have been used for most of my life. However, if there was a very important point I needed to get to and the only way would be to use a certain someone, then I would have to go against my beliefs.

What is your ideal weapon? I find this question difficult because I would want to use a number of weapons. I would enjoy slicing someone's limps off with a large cleaver, but I would also want the satisfaction of having my hands around their neck and delivering blows with my fists. Maybe I could manage a mixture of both?

Do you believe that vampires and humans can coexist? In Vampire Knight's world, I'm honestly not sure. The lure of blood is so strong, and there's also the threat of Level E vampires who have lost all reason and solely rely on instinct for survival. However, there is the aristocrats and pure bloods who can handle rebellious vampire and Level E's. So, maybe if there was a strong enough force to protect the innocent, maybe coexistence could be achieved on decently peaceful terms.

How would you express your love to the one you love? I protect that person no matter what and let no harm come to them. Even at the expense of my happiness, I want them to be happy and prosper. I will be there for them anytime they need, and will try my best to keep them smiling.

Section IV

If you could become one character in Vampire Knight, who would it be? Hmm.. I would say Kuran Kaname. He holds the respect of many vampires and has a normally calm demeanor. He also cares deeply for Yuuki and works behind the scenes (for the most part) to ensure her safety. Kaname also calculates situations very well and knows what must be done for hopefully a happy ending. I believe I could fit into his shoes well, and protecting Yuuki would be a pleasure. I'm not sure I would enjoy Zero's death glare, but I can always shoot him one back. I'm not against Zero in any way, he's a likeble enough character, but judging how his relationship with Kaname is, certain parts would have to kept in order to ensure believability for the character.

Anything else you'd like to tell us about yourself? Not much, except mention maybe how I can't seem to let go of my past. I'm very attach to the my past for it was the only time I can honestly say I was happy. Now, I can only remember how I felt back then and wish those times would repeat somehow.

I'd like to take a moment to thank anyone who survived took the time to review and rate my application without shooting flaming arrows at me and my long-winded answers.


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