Mar 26, 2008 09:46
Arthur C Clarke dead?
Why wasn't I informed earlier?
Mar 20, 2008 10:36
March Madness: Give UCLA some Love.
Mar 19, 2008 10:54
Who is "crazier"
Rev. Jeremiah Wright
Rev. Pat Robertson
If you said Rev. Wright, you are wrong, it is literally impossible to be less sane that Pat. And, to me, Wright's views are just distorted-woe-is-me recounting of history along with some paranoia.
Mar 14, 2008 11:42
And to think, if it wasn't for Rafid Ahmed Alwan, I probably wouldn't have the pleasure of knowing of The Iraqi Information Minister.
"My feelings as usual, we will slaughter them all" just priceless
Think of what other wondrous people are out there in the Iraq, I may vote Republican on Nov 4th just to make sure I have 100 more years to find
Mar 07, 2008 14:40
According to "some" people, Barrack Obama is as corrupt as a Louis1anna politician