yes folks... i'm back ofor an update. (woo who cares) but seriously i'm drinking out of my favorite pink cup! my brother's girlfriend seems to thinkthat its hers, but i beg to differ
( Read more... )'s been 2 months.... evrything has changed. some for the better and some for the complete opposite. I got a new car!!! Mandy, Sarah and I are going to move in together. home still sucks. Doug and i broke up. I'm still working 2 jobs and i miss the city a lot.
thats all for now.....i need my sleepykid.. awe. peace out and fuck you!
it's friday. i'm going into town as soon a jen gets home. franny's viewing is tonight and his funeral is tomorrow. a friend of mine since 3rd grade, franny McGuckin died on sunday night. he was only 22
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last night was singin at the winners circle. there were so many people there, and so much fun. douglasJ rawked the mic.. joey da mick too! danyelle has been hangin around. such a cute chelsey girl! sarah and lucy... so so good
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chillin with joey da mick!!! love love love him!!! seein my baby douglasJ everyday... seriously missin my Italy crew! rexin it every night. lovin' kissin' and huggin on my baby. lucy and sarah in my life and nothin but <3. forgetting my past. moving on.... oh things are good outside the house.
i'm back from italy... my trip was amazing. my metal and glass work is comming bak to phila. from steinhauswirt, italy in 2 weeks. it feels good to be home though...
everything is perfect back in the company of my douglasJ.
the countdwn is on. i leave for italy tomorrorw at 5:30pm. i can't tell you how excited i am.!!!! anyway. things have been pretty good in my life with the exception of family crap. when i come home from italy i'm moving out... no questions
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