I really need out of this house, I'm going crazy. I HAVENT SEEN REAL PEOPLE FOR A FREAKING WEEK! Someone save me? I'm not sick anymore..The broncitis went away almost completely.
I feel absolutly terrible right now. This flu is really horrible, it hurts to do anything. I don't know if I'm going to school tomorrow, I should, but idk. Death cough won't go away. I've taken 20 cough drops and I have vicks smeared all over my body. GOD-AH!
Ewww, I gots Kevin cooties on me. I hate burger king, it made me smell like tacos/fish. 5 milkshakes in 2 days! My heart bleeds *hand movements* Aaron drove us home, awww how cute. I'm studying for econ, ew wtf? I don't feel very pretty right now. 0|3|\|0x10u5 oh really?!*arches eyebrows*