Title: Watching Him Sleep Series | Arc: Love Letters | none Age | Sequence: 25 | 3 Prompt: Photodrabble picture here Author: von_gelmini Fandom: Doctor Who Characters: Theta/Koschei Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 355
i'm glad you liked it. i saw that picture and the ficlet jumped into my brain. :)
he does look in the mirror. sometimes he sees what koschei sees, but most times he just sees gangly limbs, human-colored hair, and (if his shirt is off) his belly button. He loves that kosch thinks he's beautiful, but he thinks it's just because he's koschei. he doesn't realize that a large number of his classmates are panting after him. :)
that is a gorgeous picture, no? he looks so angelic sleeping there.
Oh, wow! Another beautiful ficlet to enjoy this morning, this is brilliant waking up to two litte treats of Theta and Koschei from this series. *grins
( ... )
aw, i'm glad you liked it. it was just a quick dash (and boy, rereading it do i ever spot the mistakes (change tense from start to finish??) and i'll go fix them after i sleep today) but the picture really inspired me.
Comments 6
the PICTURE = <3
T wanting to protect his K in his sleep = sigh
*snicker* yes, Theta, you really ARE a beauty, you should look in a mirror sometime!
he does look in the mirror. sometimes he sees what koschei sees, but most times he just sees gangly limbs, human-colored hair, and (if his shirt is off) his belly button. He loves that kosch thinks he's beautiful, but he thinks it's just because he's koschei. he doesn't realize that a large number of his classmates are panting after him. :)
that is a gorgeous picture, no? he looks so angelic sleeping there.
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