I found this terribly appropriate for the season and even more amusing. I don't like Bud Light (or any other beer for that matter) but I love this. I'm still not quite sure if it's a genuine commercial or just something made up by a clever college student enduring the same thing we all are. Either way...
Stupid check engine light *grumble* $210 later... it's all fine and dandy. I don't have any car payments but damn the mantainance is irritating. Oh well
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OK OK OK .... there has been so much that's happened in the last two weeks that I've been wanting to post but everytime I sit down to do so I forget to talk about them
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Somehow I've been tossed into a good mood. For having half the amount of sleep one should have on a regular night I am feeling rather good. That may just be the three shots of expresso talking... oh well. I put the Xmas light up today and I am now getting the warm fuzzies. I also put a quarter in someone's expired parking meter while walking
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Apparently my great aunt Teresa died last weekend. I didn't even know I had a great aunt Teresa. I find it kinda sad that I don't know my relatives beyond grandpartents, aunts and uncles. My mom told me that I had met this Teresa woman when I was a toddler. Apparently I spent hours with this lady one day and she loved my toddler-babble and all
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Finals are less than 2 weeks away. Where the hell did they come from?! One minute I'm all doing the normal student thing and next thing I know I'm staring at the horror that are finals. Enter: Very irritable and nervous-figetty Sara. No one make any lound noises or sudden movements for fear of my killing you
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