Sep 23, 2007 17:02
Really? The Big O soundtrack is f*cking awesome.
Sep 17, 2007 23:27
Is 23 too young to become depressed, disillusioned and unhappy about birthdays? Seems every year now I have a great day right up until the evening when I feel that another year really wouldn't be worth the effort.
Sep 01, 2007 10:59
What a day - leave Silvia in Portugal and get back to the UK to find my main PC, Chroma, is comatose (I refuse to believe she's dead yet).
Since I'm getting no power response from the motherboard, and the PSU was inexplicably cheap when I got it, so I think that's probably that
Jun 28, 2007 14:05
So... that was... it. The end. Game over. So long and thanks for all the fish.
I just pray that the 2nd ending is the true one - Same teams, NEW MAP!
Jun 19, 2007 00:03
Jealousy and depression, what an unsightly combination.
Jun 05, 2007 10:16
So how about that london 2012 logo, eh?
Sucks nuts, doesn't it?
What's that you say? Monkeys could do better?
Well maybe. I know I could, and I would rather enjoy that £400,000, when I could turn out something better in a few hours. I could then retire to Portugal on the rest of the money and never have to work again. That'd be nice.
May 31, 2007 23:10
My parents are retarded, that is all.
May 02, 2007 12:40
One thought I find depressing: way things are, there's gonna be a time down the line where we look back and think 'well, that Tony Blair guy wasn't so bad after all...'
And is it unethical to complain about the result of an election if you don't vote, but only because you were prevented from voting by registration details not arriving in time?