Garth, Ganen, Mon, (Morrigan), and (Sekar) / [XP: 8]
Deb was out on maternity leave, Preston was out of town, Ruth had to work late, and Bevin was a little late because she needed medical attention for a burn.
Month 5; Day 01 (Continued)
Sekar didn’t even wait for her companions to react; instead just marching the young girl right up the ramp and into the women’s bunkroom. Neither was seen again for the rest of the day.
Realizing that there was probably little point in protesting, Mon and Garth instead began preflight on the ship. Still shadow-fighting with his new sword, Ganen finally snapped out of his reverie and got on board when he heard the ion drives fire up.
Garth and Mon were both a little wary of Ganen’s new Beskad; especially given
their history with ancient blades. Garth assured them that it wasn’t cursed; citing that it probably wasn’t even authentic and was just a durasteel knockoff.
With Ganen’s permission, Garth managed to scrape a tiny fragment from the weapon to run some tests on. Said tests did not reveal what sort of metal it was, but it sure as hell was not durasteel. Once he revealed this news to Ganen, the Mandalorian was even more insufferably pleased.
The polluted industrial world of Ovise III was only a short distance from Endor, and the Seventh Moon arrived at around 21:00 in the evening. The PC’s set down in Kovalto (located in the middle of a stretch of toxic swampland); and with a little asking around, were easily able to find the museum.
The Battle of Endor Museum was located in a sort of mall which occupied the bottom two floors of a large, round building which was within walking distance of where the PC’s had landed. Though the mall area was still open, the museum had closed some hours ago and would not reopen again until 08:00 the next morning. Since they’d walked all that way, the three PC’s decided to hit up a cantina in the same building which was still open.
Ganen had a single drink and then returned to the ship; and around the time he left (at which point Garth was already tipsy and making a fool of himself on the mostly-empty dance floor), Mon spotted a woman whom he recognized talking to the bartender. Her name was Numa Mavr, and he’d met her (and had a brief fling with her) on Deysum III in early 4 ABY. She’d had some sort of involvement with the Rebel Alliance, and he’d used experience in investigative journalism to help her find proof that the local Imperial forces had been faking mass thefts of food by the Rebels. They’d both been forced to flee when the Empire closed in, and they hadn’t seen or heard from each other since.
When the bartender came to check on Mon, Mon asked him to give the woman another round of whatever she was having. The bartended informed him that she was a waitress and not a patron, and also warned him that she was a single mother. Choking down the sudden panic which the latter statement induced, Mon asked him to send her over so that he could order a drink from her.
As she came around the bar, Garth spotted her; and he recognized her as well. The Empire had a 2000 credit bounty on her head; and though he came close to nabbing her on Socorro in late 6 ABY, she’d managed to give him the slip. Once she had her back to him, he returned to the bar; sitting just close enough to hear her.
Numa immediately recognized Mon and was clearly pleased to see him; citing that three-quarters of her cell had been killed or captured and that she’s always feared that he was among them. In the ensuing conversation, Mon learned that she was on Ovise because she was in hiding; not because she liked the place. “There’s not a lot of Imperial activity out here”, she commented; “though that’s starting to change”. Mon in return told her about the Imperial Schism, which she took much interest in. The subject of her son came up and Mon nearly imploded when she stated that he was 2 years old; but neither of them broached the subject of paternity.
Garth, now quite drunk, finally joined the conversation; acknowledging that he and Mon knew each other. If Numa recognized him from Socorro, she didn’t show it; but when Garth started aggressively asking about her son, she excused herself to go check on him.
Shortly after Numa left, Morrigan caught up with Mon and Garth; joining the conversation around the time that the latter revealed to the former that there was a price on his old flame’s head. As Morrigan ordered some snacks and tried to get Garth to drink more, Garth and Mon began a long argument on whether or not they should turn her in. When Numa didn’t return after quite some time, Mon queried the bartender; who had just been notified by another waitress that Numa had gone into the break room to check on her son and they were now both gone.
Mon and Garth’s argument continued all the way back to the ship and into the men’s bunkroom, where Ganen was trying to sleep. Garth continued to drunkenly insist that turning her in would be a double win: he would get 2000 credits and Mon would get his son back.
When objections were made to bringing a kid on board, Garth brought up that Sekar had just done exactly that. “That’s completely different”, Ganen firmly countered. “That girl has seen some shit. I’ve never seen a thousand yard stare emanating from only a little over a yard high before.”
Sekar Rewind
After bringing the little girl into the women’s bunkroom and locking the door, Sekar’s first order of business was to make it abundantly clear to her that her crewmates didn’t know that she was Force-sensitive and that she very much wanted to keep it that way. Her next order of business was to get her into the shower and help her get cleaned up.
Though she made no protest or complaint, it was pretty clear to Sekar that the girl was a little distressed to see the ash and mud go down the drain. With a little scrubbing and a lot of soap, Sekar eventually managed to excavate a very pretty little girl. She also discovered a small Revan mark at the base of the girl’s spine; and though she initially thought it was a tattoo, she experienced some silent dismay when she realized that it was actually a brand.
After they scrubbed the girl’s meager clothes out and hung them in the shower to dry, the two sat down to talk; and Sekar finally got answers to most of the questions which had been on her mind since they’d first encountered the girl. Her name was Jacinta, and she’d been born to Revan parents in 4 BBY in one of the many Revan enclaves scattered around the Outer Rim. When Sekar asked her who’d branded her, she replied “my parents” in a tone which clearly had an unspoken ‘duh’ at the end of it. Though they didn’t get into further details, Sekar was quickly getting the impression that her own childhood had been sunshine and rainbows compared to Jacinta’s.
Regarding Endor; Jacinta explained that, while Force-senstitives held all of the top positions of power, the vast majority of Revan were ‘mundane’. Not long after the Battle of Endor, many Revan had taken up residence there; thinking that by immersing themselves in the massive Dark Nexus that they might induce attunement (and taking that immersion to the extreme of caking themselves in the ashes of the holocaust). Jacinta had been there since she was 9 and had been held up as proof that the process worked; though she admitted that it was entirely possible that she’d been born that way and had only realized it while living on the ashen moon.
Month 5; Day 02
While Sekar and Jacinda slept in for a bit, the other PC’s got up in time to eat breakfast and get back out to the museum when it opened at 08:00. When they told the girl at the ticket counter that they had a genuine relic that the curator might be interested in, she informed them that he usually didn’t come in until late morning / early afternoon but that she’d try to get in touch with him. In the meantime, the PC’s decided to actually check the place out.
The information screens and placards throughout the museum were surprisingly apolitical; being very straightforward and matter-of-fact and painting neither the Empire nor the Rebel Alliance in a particularly positive or negative light. Most of the ground floor consisted of models and dioramas (including the second Death Star, a typical Ewok village, and the battle which occurred around the shield bunker) while the second floor was mostly life-sized replicas of many of Endor’s now-extinct lifeforms as well as the types of soldiers involve in the fateful battle. There was also a mini theater on the ground floor which displayed a looping film which broke down and explained the catastrophic impact that the explosion of the Death Star had on the forest moon.
All of the genuine articles recovered from Endor after the battle were displayed down in the sublevel; and unsurprisingly, they were all charred and ruined. Among many other things were a substantial chunk of debris from the Death Star itself, a bowcaster believed to have belonged to General Solo’s Wookiee companion, and a white R2-series droid with blue trim.
According to the placard, the droid was the personal property of Alliance hero Commander Skywalker; who had vanished after the battle of Endor. According to Rebellion legend; the droid not only couriered the stolen plans for the first Death Star all the way from Tatooine to Yavin IV, but was also aboard Commander Skywalker’s X-wing when he fired the shot which destroyed it. The placard also indicated that nobody had the clue why the droid had been brought to the surface of Endor.
As the PC’s clustered around the display pane feeling their 5000 credit prize nearly within their grasp, Garth suddenly had misgivings. If the droid still had sensitive information regarding Rebel bases and operations, he conjectured, then Armor’s client might actually by the Empire; and putting such information in their hands would inevitably lead to slaughter.
The other PC’s could scarcely fathom his objection; especially in light of the fact that he’d been perfectly willing to orphan a toddler for 2000 credits less than 12 hours earlier. Ganen finally managed to get him to drop it by vowing that, if they were to ever learn that the data in the droid’s memory module had been used to harm innocent people, he would feel bad about it.
Sekar and Jacinta finally got up and, while the former figured out where they were and where everyone else had gone, the latter stuffed her face on leftover cheese sticks and onion rings which Morrigan had brought home from the bar. With the mud and ash finally washed from her body, the scantiness of Jacinta’s clothing was much more acute; and with both she and Sekar carrying Gaffi Sticks, they got a lot of strange looks as they made their way to the museum. The lady at the ticket counter took one look at them and said with a smile, “Your friends are downstairs.”
Ganen by this point had gone upstairs to look at some of the dioramas, but everyone else was still crowded in front of the fried R2 unit. Formal introductions were made all around, and someone mentioned that the yellow-armored Mandalorian was named Ganen and was also a part of their crew. “Yes”, the girl replied with 100% casualness. “He killed my father.” When Garth hesitantly asked if she was ‘sore’ about that, she shook her head. “No”, she replied, “clearly he was stronger.”
Since they were in the middle of a shopping center and still waiting for the curator to arrive, Morrigan suggested that she and Sekar take Jacinta to get her some more suitable clothing than the rags which she was wearing as well as something to actually put on her feet. By the time they returned, the curator (an aging Ayrou named Chee'ad Mulaxis) had arrived; and he met with the PC’s in his office (along with two security guards).
Mulaxis was thrilled when Mon produced an image of the DL-44 which they’d found on Endor. He verified that it had been the personal sidearm of General Solo since before he’d even joined the Rebellion, and he offered to pay them 1000 credits for it on the spot.
Without getting into whos or whys, the PC’s explained that they were actually interested in the memory module of the astro-droid in the basement and that they were willing to trade the blaster for it. The curator was more than agreeable to the trade in theory, but he was deeply concerned that the droid (which was apparently one of his biggest draws) was in such bad shape that the process of extracting the module would likely cause it to irreparably fall to pieces.
After some negotiation, the two parties finally arrived at a deal. The museum would keep the blaster, and the PC’s would be allowed to remove the memory module; but if they were unable to reassemble the droid to the same condition that it was currently in, they would pay 5000 credits in compensation.
It was a long, slow, and utterly nerve-wracking process; but Morrigan pulled it off. The PC’s verified the serial number on the module, the remains of the droid were put back on display, and the Seventh Moon was soon en route back to Bespin.
Month 5; Day 02 - Day 04
Unsure where to begin with Jacinta’s training, Sekar asked Ganen if he would be willing to evaluate her current abilities. As they got started, Garth informed Ganen that he’d killed the girl’s father and joked that he was now her father. “Ignore him”, the girl said with mild distain. “You have absolutely no paternal obligations towards me, but you have earned my respect.” Ganen was flattered; albeit a bit bewildered.
First and foremost, Ganen quickly learned that the little girl was abnormally strong for her age and size; probably comparable to an average adult. She clearly knew nothing of blasters but knew how to throw a punch, and he humbly admitted (to Sekar but not in front of Jacinta) the she could probably teach him a thing or two about melee combat.
Using the port-side cargo bay and making sure that he door was locked, Sekar then evaluated her Force attunement. She had a little telekinetic ability and could use the Force to enhance herself a bit physically, but overall wasn’t particularly far along.
Later on, Hoke spoke privately with Sekar about Jacinta; expressing admiration for her taking on such a responsibility but also questioning whether she was sure that she was up to it. Sekar admitted that she wasn’t sure that she could do it, but was positive that she had to try. “Be patient and be careful”, the old Jedi warned. “That little girl has had a very brutal life.”