Actually, it was me looking at live journal. During my lunch break - which is when I am not supposed to be working. The personel office probably got quite log when the scanning software it uses to monitor our web browsing started pumping out the red flags for all the trigger keywords in that link.
LOL. Oh well. It was still my lunch break, and it was news.
I hate being monitored, they put in the scanning software to keep employees from playing games, downloading dirty pictures or dating online and stuff - which was being done off working hours as well as during work.
They say they dont mind us using the internet, they just want it clean. Yeah, right! lol
dude, that lady needs to figure out that ladies can self-love too. If she did she wouldn't be so damned up tight. she's probably one of those old-school weirdos that think any sex that doesn't make babies is a one way ticket to a fiery inferno. We should send her a vibrator (with a detailed, picture book of instructions.)
Comments 7
During my lunch break - which is when I am not supposed to be working.
The personel office probably got quite log when the scanning software it uses to monitor our web browsing started pumping out the red flags for all the trigger keywords in that link.
LOL. Oh well. It was still my lunch break, and it was news.
I hate being monitored, they put in the scanning software to keep employees from playing games, downloading dirty pictures or dating online and stuff - which was being done off working hours as well as during work.
They say they dont mind us using the internet, they just want it clean.
Yeah, right! lol
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