This community hasn't had anything posted in some time. It leaves me to wonder why I bother keeping it around. I don't know... maybe part of me still hopes it may be of some use one day. I may start posting in here again... though I don't know who'd.
Maybe I should make this my writings journal. I have enough stuff that this could easily be filled in no time. Of course I'd do cuts though as to not flood the few peoples journals that have me listed as a friend. I really need to get around to writing more of Reflections of the Past, but I've been in such a rut I just haven't gotten around to it
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Well, I was supposed to start updating this but became preoccupied with a website and some fics. However, I did figure I'd post a link to a fiction I've recently started. It's in segments at the moment, I'll add to it later
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Alright, I've primarily been using this journal for communities, but I think now I may start using this for other things. Probably my thoughts and poetry- maybe some mundane shit... I do not know yet... but I'll start writing in here soon.