MY NEW ACCOUNT IS "_bondage_queen_" add me now b-yatch!
MY NEW ACCOUNT IS "_bondage_queen_" add me now b-yatch!
MY NEW ACCOUNT IS "_bondage_queen_" add me now b-yatch!
MY NEW ACCOUNT IS "_bondage_queen_" add me now b-yatch!
MY NEW ACCOUNT IS "_bondage_queen_" add me now b-yatch!
now if that wasnt enough... then fuck you!
Gillians New Nick Name Is.... *drum roll*
I love it.
and now I just recieved a news Bulitin
Also. everyone who has a short name (1 sylable) or short cutable name. will not end with a (????)"y-poo"!
thats all.
Good night.
Well. Today is a boring day. I sit at home and do nothing. Oh joy. I just want everyone to know I love you. Everyone means all of my friends. And everyone I have on Lj.