today was fun...i guess. ig ot all wet and it felt weird.even though there is one day of school left im kinda sad, cuz today was ryan perrys last dday here and he is not going to chs and claudine isnt going to chs either but she said shes gonna have a party so ill see her there, peace
well yesterday i had a spanish quiz which sucked then we had that party thing which was alright. the food sucked..after school i didnt do today im about to go to the pool and then maybe goto ocee
ok today me and my bff sat outside in the shade...i kinda had to hold him down, he met tess anna and rachel today too. me and him are really goin places. i sure will miss my lil fat asian kid
i hate my fucking life im so fucking ugly no fucking girl likes me and i have no fucking friends,im not smart, my parents hate me, i have no good character and im unathletic..