wanderlustily May 25, 2008 15:27
wanderlustily May 21, 2008 04:07
ttly losin' his shit, emo!cloud is emoooo, leon you douchebag, aerith bb ilu
wanderlustily May 19, 2008 15:25
you're thinking of yuffie, mumble softly and carry a big sword, wtf mate?, ttly not a loud guy
wanderlustily May 14, 2008 18:38
fuck.... algebra!, cursing is good for the blood, lololol inverted
wanderlustily May 11, 2008 02:12
tifa bb ilu, mumble softly and carry a big sword, emo!cloud is emoooo
wanderlustily Apr 21, 2008 00:58
wanderlustily Apr 19, 2008 13:53
wanderlustily Apr 11, 2008 15:47
mumble softly and carry a big sword, gd it zack y u gotta be like dat?
wanderlustily Apr 01, 2008 01:18
ansem is a douche-cock, ttly losin' his shit
wanderlustily Mar 31, 2008 00:15
gd it sephi, hiding from tifa brb