Day three of self proclaimed dictaorship:
EYE am sad to report that this is will be my last entry. My inner slasher
belle_douleur has taken over.
There is now a spot available for fandom dictator... if you are interested leave a comment of your prior experience in the field of watching, and I will get back to you shortly.
Goodbye fandom.
*shuts eye*
Comments 21 would we keep...secret if we were to leave comment out here in the open?
*MY* eye is as sharp as...well, it's sharp. I WANT TO BE FANDOM DICTATOR!!!
I fucking knew it, though. I talked about it with jumbodaifuku, he can back me up on this. I lost the log due to the lovely RPC error thing, but it went something like this:
Me: "I think it's someone from Parryhotter, because she's watching us and we're not BNFs."
Jack: "Could be. Who though?"
Me: "Well... Hmm. *talks about people who could be it* Wait, it could be belle_douleur, because she's a H/Der, she's a member of both parryhotter and pottersandwich, and she has Cassie Claire and those people on her friends list"
Hem, hem. I think I'll rename myself Martine Trelawney.
Or perhaps "Martine Bighead".
*potential New Eye*
Who EYE am is of no consequence. It is that EYE know who YOU are...and what you're doing. *takes notes*
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