Dreamwidth invite code

May 10, 2009 19:59

I 'd love have a Dreamwidth invite code. Thanksbibliogrrl !!

My chief reason is to I have thida.dreamwidth.org

Someone already took thida on LJ. I'm also intrigued by the different access levels.

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Comments 4

owlmoose May 11 2009, 03:11:39 UTC
I don't have any invites right now, but if you register an OpenID account, you'll go into the lottery for an invite code. You can also pay $3 for a one-month subscription, then go back down to a free account if you decide you don't need the extra features.

I have an account (got an invite through the OpenID lottery) and am intrigued by many of the features, although I haven't started playing with them yet. I may wait and see how the crossposting goes for my friends who migrated right away. If I do score an invite, I'll put you first on the list to get it, if no one else comes through first. :) My account name is, of course, owlmoose.


porfinn May 11 2009, 03:42:10 UTC
Thank you for the open ID info.


frumiousb May 11 2009, 04:04:04 UTC
I've tried their feature to request a new one-- let's see what happens.


(The comment has been removed)

waterowl May 11 2009, 16:32:11 UTC
Thanks! :) You rock! I got thida


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