Yes, for a brief time, I once again exist on the internet! The occasion was provided for by my sister deciding to be generous and to allow me to access her computer. Oh, joy
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i. f-ing. love you. i must say i enjoy reading your posts quite possibly more than any others'. perhaps not, but still... i mean, i even read the entirety of your most insanely-long posts. congrats! you win the "best written journal award" from Cathy Inc. in this year of 2006.
Comments 4
Sorry dear, one more year left for the porn.
i must say i enjoy reading your posts quite possibly more than any others'. perhaps not, but still... i mean, i even read the entirety of your most insanely-long posts. congrats! you win the "best written journal award" from Cathy Inc. in this year of 2006.
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