Hi there, I’m Natasha Cosgrove, a Year 10 student at Rockwood high, CA. I’m your average American girl who lives an average lifestyle here in Rockwood. But things changed… and never seemed average.
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Hiya! Okay, so I have two comps. ONe with dial up internet and there othere with none. I decided to take pics of celebs in magazines and edit them! So here they are: You can use 'em I don't mind!
Saturday. You can never hate Saturdays. I’m just relaxing with my girls in a café near Bridgestone Park, the route I walk everyday. It’s sunny and bright. So, what could go wrong
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I found a Summer Vacation Summer for $4.88 at Target yesterday... It wasn't even on sale! And there was plenty there. I couldn't believe it!!!! I thought it was a trick. I've deboxed her but I'm too lazy to upload the pics, so you'll have to wait till tomorrow or so. Remember to check out Rockwood high!!!!! Oh, the sorrow... Sorry.
Okay... SO, I've made up a new game! Well it's from habbo but, let's play Cozzie Change!(Costume Change)... It's simple. There's a sort of master that chooses the topics and doesn't play but I wanna play so we can discuss it together! Okay so it's like BNTM but for fun!
I just wanted to tell you.... Oh and I found Kina, Aubrey and Destiny in Aus! But they are $30 each....Noooooo! >.<... My sisters birthday just pasted and so I can't blackmail her! I can't find any other doll there though.... Well here's my poupee! Oh man I forgot how to post it... If anyone reads this and has a poupee tell me how to get your pic
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