interesting/random that you're from michigan, too. your eyes/glasses look like my neighbor's - that would be WEIRD.
there's nothing wrong with dutch people in general. however, the area i live in (grand rapids) happens to have a tremendous number of dutch christian reform people who generally tend to have extremely conservative viewpoints with which i happen to disagree. i realize i'm stereotyping/generalizing, too, but it happens that mr. devos is one of those people.
no kidding. i go to a university at which many buildings (and in fact one entire campus of four) is named after him. he's on the board of trustees, and is the primary individual working against allowing domestic partnership benefits at our school. before that whole proposal 2 bull in november, we were the only 4 year university in michigan that didn't have them, and all because of this one man. i believe his exact quote to the president of the university was, "you can give your faculty domestic partnership benefits, or i can give you 25 million dollars. you can't have both
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LOL never apologize for being long winded to me. The Devos family may give a lot of money to their home town, but one has to look at what they did to get and especially the lies and deceit that went into getting that money in the first place. Amway is a company built not so much on selling things as it's built on selling a dream. A dream that for many of the folks who get roped into it falls far short when made reality. And then of course there's as you pointed out an attitude of if you don't do it my way I'm taking my toys/money and going home.
Comments 9
my only consolation is that he has done a tremendous amount for this city.
do i know you?
I'm Dutch...what's wrong with Dutch people?
there's nothing wrong with dutch people in general. however, the area i live in (grand rapids) happens to have a tremendous number of dutch christian reform people who generally tend to have extremely conservative viewpoints with which i happen to disagree. i realize i'm stereotyping/generalizing, too, but it happens that mr. devos is one of those people.
And then of course there's as you pointed out an attitude of if you don't do it my way I'm taking my toys/money and going home.
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